Why Bully? | Teen Ink

Why Bully?

December 16, 2015
By Anonymous

Bullying is a crime that is unwanted, something that hurts others and make them feel bad about themselves. Sometimes I wonder how people even got the guts to say or do the things they do to other people.

I am not a fan of bullying and if I see it in my eyes, yes I would speak up and say something about it even if it’s not my situation. I believe that some people do it for attention or trying to be funny’ when it’s far from funny. Maybe when folks get older and more mature that’s when they’ll realize it’s not cool to hurt someone else because they think it’s funny.

I feel bad just imagining the ones that are getting bullied going home wishing they would never have to leave again, while the bullies are out playing around like everything is peaches and cream. What about the ones that think about killing themselves, or the ones that already have. It’s not a game, and just when you think you can be there for the people who are getting bullied you can, but not everyone.

There are also the ones who are being bullied but the bully may not realize because the bullied person doesn’t want them to know, so they play it off as if everything is okay. Or maybe they’re use to getting bullied. That would really hurt because no one should have to go through that, no one should even think their above anyone to make them feel any type way because were all human. It’s not right and cruel, to the point where the ones that were getting bullied are killing people now.

I have witness a situation like that. It was these two boys that went to school together, the bully use to always mess with the kid and hit him. Until this one day came and the boy told the bully to meet him somewhere and he killed him. Everyone was saying that the boy wasn’t even the type of guy to do that, but he had to be fed up with him. That’s the type of things that happens and it shouldn’t be that way.

Why bullying? Do you think your accomplishing something? Or you do it to make yourself feel better? Always remember the word “ K A R M A “.  She will come back to get you, probably not now but in the future it sure will.

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