Girl Power | Teen Ink

Girl Power

April 11, 2016
By LefterSabinaIoana BRONZE, Galati, Other
LefterSabinaIoana BRONZE, Galati, Other
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I’ve been living  in this world for a while and I never stopped for a second to look around. It is not just me in this situation, it is everybody who thinks it is too busy to help others. What about Martin Luther King Jr who fought for black peoples’ rights? or Malala Yousafzai another activist and the youngest person to have a Nobel Prize? All persons that made history and even now, after all these years are remembered, are the persons that got out of their comfort zone just to make the world a better place. Nowdays the selfishness and the laziness are the biggest problems and that is why nothing is going to change anytime soon. I agree that everybody has their special and individual path, but what if along in our journey will make time to make a CHANGE. It seems like nobody is interested in the well-being of the others and that is really concerning.

I am still very young and the most common and annoying obstacle is the gender discrimination. It seems like there is an unwritten rule that says that boys are more capable than girls. For example I was in class the other day and two of my classmates were arguing. A boy and a girl. At some point the boy said that the girl is distracting him and when the teacher heard that her answer was:

“Girls exist ONLY to distract boy from their purpose. That is what we do!”and to be even more discriminating she asked the girl to go and stay in the back of the class. If the guy was so distracted by the girl, why didn’t him move?! Because I was really irritated I looked mad at the teacher and when she realized that,  she replied really calmly:

“What is it, don’t you agree with me?”

“No!”I said immediately and even angrier.

“Why not?”When she heard my short and confident answer, the professor asked me to motivate it so I then continued:

“I think that girls are as capable as boys and we are more than a distraction, we exist for a reason. To equilibrate the balance. And I think girls won their rights to be on the same level and be perceived as smart as boys . Us, women we are the base of the society.”

Right after I finished my argument the subject was changed. I think that she realized I was right. Even though in the past, centuries ago during the wars,  the army was the most important thing that doesn’t mean that men are supposed to fight, be smart and brave and women are meant to always stay in the kitchen or take care of the children. Behind every streon man, there is an even stronger woman.

Another aspect it would be the differences between me and my brother, that my parents make. I always hear about how smart my brother is and how he is going to become a president and about how much I have to work, because is harder to live in society as a girl. But does it has to be that way? Why the fact that I am a girl controls my life? Even though we are in the 21st century, where everything and anything is possible, we still have to use the line:”You  can not do that because you are a girl”. But if you think about that just for a second. What makes me a girl? What is the difference between me and a boy my age? It is the hair, some body parts, the attitude? Because I can cut my hair short, hide my body and act like a boy and I will still be a girl. The fact that everyone thinks girls are inferior is some idea that gets into our head since we are little. Surrounding ourselves with people that implant and make us think something doesn’t mean we believe in it. Now that the power is democratic it means it is ruled by the majority? NO. Everyone is unique in their own way and must think and believe what they want.

At least one time in your life you have been told you can or you can not do something and most likely you listened the other person. I know, I have. That happens to girls and boys. But do you ever wonder how they know? Well, they don’t. If a family member says I can do that it is because they want the best for me and if a friend says I can not it is because they do not want me to succeed. So in the end Who do I listen to? Who do YOU  listen to ? The answer is Yourself. You are the only one that puts the boundaries and knows what you  CAN  and CAN’T DO.

This whole text was something that bothers me about this gender discrimination but looking on the other hand there are some aspects that are true. Only on an aspect, actually. While every young girl in on the run for the best clothes ,best purse, nail polis or lipstick shade and put school and education on hold how can we be on the same page and at the same levels as boys? That is the main argument someone will give you in a discussion about gender differences. But that is a really weak point of view. First of all because in my opinion if people won’t say so often that girls can’t do or can’t understand things , everything will be in balance and the females would be more determined. Second of all, why are we mixed in the same pot? In this world are a lot of smart and successful women. As many as men , maybe more, but only because a number of people does something does not mean everyone is the same. Sure, some girls are obsessed with fashion but not every girl is. Some boys are obsessed with sport, but not every boy is. If we think that because a woman does something every woman does the same exact thing or if a men does something every man is the same, then why don’t we think that because we all breath, eat or drink we are STILL THE SAME? Because of our mentalities and prejudices that stop us from being and thinking out of the box.

I can cook, sew, clean and still know how to repair something or even change a bulb. I can be elegant and wear a dress or I can be sporty and wear trainers a large t-shirt and sport pants. I can be an engineer  and if I want I can be a model. If I want to be president, I will be president. If not of my own  country or another country, than I will run my own world  where it does not matter what race, belief, age or gender you are. I am smart, beautiful, confident, open minded and all because I AM A GIRL AND I CAN DO ANYTHING THAT I WANT NO MATTER WHAT.

The author's comments:

The story I wrote is about what I think,I've been through and my opinion.For me gender discrimination is one of the biggest issue and I wanted to espress myself

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