Women's Rights | Teen Ink

Women's Rights

June 17, 2016
By Anonymous

Why are women considered to be like trophies or awards?  Men think that every woman should be of a trophy, one that can be displayed or shown off.  When a man and woman date, the female is often almost required  to give her body to the man, to allow herself to lose respect out of her body and give it away, not when she's ready, but when the man is.  Women are viewed as being infirior to men, when they in fact are not.  Women are equal to men, both genders are important to humanity.  However, women do not have the respect that men do.  Why in a world so focused on peace and wellfare, why does it neglect to offer wellfare to women, then there would be peace within genders.  Easier said than done, but simplicty is something that we have not tried to accomplish.  We do not know what could happen if we do not try.

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Just a person with words..

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