Discrimination in this Nation | Teen Ink

Discrimination in this Nation

December 14, 2016
By MaddieGrimes BRONZE, Piedmont, OK, Oklahoma
MaddieGrimes BRONZE, Piedmont, OK, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I never really thought about all of the hate in this world, until I had this dreadful argument. I always wanted to be right and I always wanted people to know I had the right way of thinking. When I was younger, I had an eye-opening argument with one of my best friends about a topic not many people at our age ever talked about. The topic of Muslims popped up and she told me she hated Muslims, although she did not have a suitable reason for telling me why she felt that way. 

When I was younger, I had an argument with my bestfriend about Muslims. On the TV, a news story was going on about terrorists. My best friend told me that she hates all Muslims (not really for any reason). I tried explaining that not all Muslims are murderers. Although she did not want to hear anything I had to say, she could not tell me why she hated them.

Even as a kid, I never wanted so much hate in this world. I would always hear stories about terrorists, murderers, rapist, etc. I never expected such young children to discriminate the way they did. As a kid, I was taught to love people no matter who they were. I believe that one person can change an entire group's perspective on their beliefs and their races. A few awful humans have made being Muslim one of the worst things you could be.

She never had facts to back up her argument. Although, I have met her family and I know for a fact that they were the ones who helped her make that conclusion about Muslims. She would believe whatever her parents believed. How are you supposed to think for yourself if you're a follower and not a leader of your own beliefs? I do not blame her choices although I was also a follower of my parents beliefs (why I believed not all Muslims are terrorists).

I learned no matter what the other person's argument is, they will always have their reasonings. I learned that sometimes, people will disagree with you over topics you believe strongly in , but it´s very important to understand both sides of the argument. I never really had an understanding of her thoughts and reasoning because she always went with the crowd.If the schools starts to have more empathy, we will be able to understand each other instead of criticising each other. Having empathy can impact this community by helping others learn to put themselves in a situation that they may want to criticize in the future.

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