Police Brutality | Teen Ink

Police Brutality

March 12, 2018
By 22bradev BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
22bradev BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear President Trump,

Right now, police brutality is becoming a serious problem. Cops are harming innocent men just because of their race. The cops are shooting people that are following all their instructions. This is resulting in people fighting back. They want the cops to quit so that they can live.

Because of the cop's actions people are starting to boycott America. For example, Colin Kaepernick got kicked out of the NFL because he was protesting. I don’t believe this is fair because he just showing what he believed. As a matter of fact, he inspired many African-Americans to protest as well. Colin Kaepernick is still not signed to a NFL team today because of his protests. "I have to stand up for people that are oppressed. If they take football away, my endorsements from me, I know that I stood up for what is right"-Colin Kaepernick. They are starting to over-power the police.

This is bad but is also good. Not all cops are harming innocent men. We don’t want to hurt the good cops and leave the bad ones. Nearly 1000 have been shot and killed by a cop in 2017.We need people to fight against these bad cops. We need people to stand up to these police officers. .And lastly, we need to stop these horrible actions and put a stop to police brutality.

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