Marvel movies have achieved more success than DC movies because the audience find them more appealing and emotionally engaging. | Teen Ink

Marvel movies have achieved more success than DC movies because the audience find them more appealing and emotionally engaging.

May 22, 2024
By 24mehhir1 BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
24mehhir1 BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

April 22, 2024

“DC is better than Marvel!” My cousin says to me loud and clear. I just stayed quiet. The young me doesn’t care about this whole debate. I had no interest in superheroes movies or even shows. “One day my cousin (yes the same one who says he liked DC better) asked me: would you like to watch Infinity War? (a Marvel movie) And I was like sure, why not?” I was going in with a very neutral mindset because I wasn't really on a side. I was a little bit aware of the characters because it was very popular, and it was everywhere on social media, but I had never watched an official Marvel movie before.


At this point, I was a huge fan of Marvel! Along with this I watched every spiderman movie that possibly exists. Marvel has a huge fan following, and it increases day by day. According to a Fandom’s study, 81% of Marvel fans would watch anything released in the franchise, while only 67% of DC fans would do the same. Marvel is just a lot bigger in terms of popularity and even likability. 

Through Marvel I fell in love with superhero movies, and I delved into theDC world. But then it got tough for me because I was also very interested in the Flash Series on Netflix. I binge watched the whole show as soon as it was released on Netflix. I even watched the newest Flash and Batman movies that came out and I thought they were great. 

But the main question is why does the Marvel franchise achieve more success than DC? It’s pretty simple! They consistently create movies that the audience enjoys more and keep them excited for the next. The more movies I watched, the more interested I became in the debate: which is better, Marvel or DC?

 In my mind I knew I liked Marvel more because of the way I felt while watching Marvel movies. I never felt the same when I watched DC- just the emotions of Marvel movies- the storyline, and especially the connection between the characters and even the audience, along with the cinematography was just superior to DC movies. A survey taken by statista, resulted in 39 percent saying that they preferred Marvel movies, just five percent said the same about DC Comics films. I’m not saying DC doesn't have any of these key traits. However, I am saying that I believe Marvel does a better job showing these key traits to the audience which is what gets the people to love the franchise so much. 

For instance, a particularly impactful and emotionally charged moment from a Marvel film, such as Endgame, was the death of Iron Man. This scene made people tear up in the movie theaters because of how much the fans valued the legacy of Iron Man and in general, everyone was in love with Marvel, and its characters. Endgame made such a big impact on everyone watching even those who aren't a big fan of marvel. While in DC, one of there most popular movies was Aquaman. The most popular scene was when there was an intense underwater battle. People loved the emotional and action sequence that was being shown in this scene. But people loved Endgame because it was the final chapter, the absolute climax, a very well crafted story. This itself shows how much more impact marvel movies make on the audience compared to DC. 

According to statista, "Avengers: Endgame" (2019) was Marvel's highest-grossing movie with 2.8 billion dollars in global revenue. On the other hand, the highest-grossing DC Comics-based film is Aquaman (2018), which earned more than $1.15 billion worldwide. So after describing these two scenes what movie would you be more interested in watching? Most people would probably say Avengers Endgame because the scenes are more vulnerable and will stay in our hearts forever. 

Overall, Marvel Movies have achieved more success than DC movies because the audience finds them more appealing and emotionally engaging. Fans feel an emotional roller coaster while watching certain popular scenes which is the reason why they always stick until the end and come back for more. The hype for Marvel is only getting bigger while for DC, their following is dwindling. Marvel continues to make fans' hearts happy which is why people keep loving it. There are so many aspects of Marvel that prove why it is better than DC, and it deserves all the success and hype it gets.

The author's comments:

I wrote about this piece because growing up I was never interested in Superhero movies but everyone around me was. So one day I decided to give it a try. I started watching the movies and surprisingly I really enjoyed it. After that I have watched every superhero movie that has come. I feel like most young kids also love Marvel and DC but always debate about which one is better. I personally love marvel movies because of their amazing consistent storyline but lots of people like DC because of the popular characters. 

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