Social Media ! | Teen Ink

Social Media !

May 28, 2024
By Rqalwadi11 BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
Rqalwadi11 BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

That could be not true but that can be now that there are people who find things at all about the person that we need to know about them and to look up what they look like or their names online and the people they are. That is one of the ways that they have to know what it is to know and they have to change to the future and make it hard for people to find that thing about the person. They should do something like put security to the people at the time and their information. They have to ensure the security of the people they are going to have on social media so that they can have some kind of safety for the people.

That to just look for a person, some information to know all about them and their life. Many people do not feel safe sharing their information with other people that they don't know from the way that we know that they have to do some deep research to know of the person they are looking for. It can be a dangerous thing to find things about people that you don’t know at all so they have to make a social security to keep their information safe to them and others.

A lot of people have been using it now but in the future that can be not the same as now, that the information will be found faster by just looking for their name. If it is known we have to just describe a person to know them more, that is for today but if we have this now what is going to be in the future for the people and us? That will be different than we think but there is something we have to know about that other to keep our information safe by doing the same thing to ours and others just to put security to all of social media.

That I chose this evidence “But the existing platforms are wrestling with a host of issues — from privacy concerns and misinformation to outright consumer fatigue — fueling a need for fresh and unique experiences ”(Karishma Borkakoty, published on December 6, 2023).

All of the readers have to know that not all things we are going to know about a person will be turned to us but we have to know how you will feel if someone gives you information about what you think would happen. You should respect all of the people around you or not.

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