Optimus Klein | Teen Ink

Optimus Klein

May 9, 2013
By Anonymous

Very few people get a chance to make a debut in Division I football, and if they do, it’s important to make it worth their while. Last football season Collin Klein saw his chance to rise and achieve greatness, and he took over as Kansas State’s starting quarterback. It took him just under two years worth of practicing without playing to gain Bill Snyder’s trust. When Collin Klein earned his spot onto the football field, he surprised all of the NCAA by his amazing performances.

One reason I like Collin Klein so much is due to his dedication to K-State football. Even though Klein didn’t start his first two seasons, he stayed with his team. It worked in his favor eventually, and it’s best for everyone that he attends Kansas State. Collin’s first season as a starting quarterback was deemed a success in most peoples mind. Klein had a completion percentage of 57.3%, which is pretty good for his first season. He also had near 2,000 passing yards on the season.

Collin Klein isn’t just an amazing football player, he is also very religious. I myself am not very religious, but I believe it says a lot about his character. He isn’t one of those players who only thinks about football every second of his life, he thinks about what he can do to become a better person. He also thanks god for all of his accomplishments, which is a lot better than him acting like he’s better than everyone else for what he’s done. Klein is the exact opposite of the average football player. He goes out there and plays a whole different type of football. The intensity that he brings to the game shows his passion for what he does, and hopefully it pays off. I hope to one day see him go to the NFL, I imagine it will be all he has ever dreamed of, and maybe one day he could top leaderboards everywhere.

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Journal about my favorite football player, Collin Klein

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