The Great Gatsby | Teen Ink

The Great Gatsby

May 16, 2013
By Audrey Angstrom BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
Audrey Angstrom BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
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Many people have an opinion on the new version of Gatsby. It is either that the movie was a horrible mistake, and took away from the true meaning of Gatsby, or that it was a thrilling movie that was amazing to see. In my opinion I thought it was great, there were some things that I didn’t really like about the movie, but the way it looked was outstanding.

Leonardo Di Caprio was a wonderful Gatsby, and he portrayed the character so well. Actually all the actors and actresses portrayed their character amazingly. I could honestly believe the tension between Tom and Gatsby, I could feel the love and distress that Daisy was going through. The movie had all of the emotions that I expected it to have, however I was a little disappointed that they didn’t put very important things that were in the book into the movie.

I feel as if they ran out of time, since the movie was already two and a half hours. So they had to cut out some of the most important things. In the book Nick and Jordan were in love, and they had a scene in the car where Jordan almost kills somebody and she tells Nick that she likes him because he’s not careless like her. After that scene they fall in love, and they date the whole summer until the end of the book when she leaves him. In the movie their relationship never happens, which was very upsetting to me, because Nick is the narrator, and so his life should have been part of the movie, he shouldn’t have just been narrating the story all about Gatsby.

Another thing I was really dumbfounded that they left out from the book was when Gatsby met Pammy (Daisy and Toms Daughter). This was a really important part to the story because this was when Gatsby realized that he and Daisy’s relationship would never be the same as it was before, because she has a child with Tom. She can’t just leave her kid with Tom, she wouldn’t do that. This wasn’t in the movie at all; it was just totally erased from the script.

In the book, also at the end Gatsby’s father shows up to his funeral. In the movie however Nick and owl eyes were the only ones at the funeral. This makes the funeral even more sad because it shows how nobody really cared about him because nobody really knew him. All the thousands of people who use to show up at his parties just went because they wanted to be a part of the glitz and glamour, at his funeral nobody wanted to be a part of it because they were too afraid to get caught up with knowing him. If they would have put his father in the movie it would have gave a better sense of Gatsby’s life, because it would have shown that his dad is proud of him, but he still didn’t know anything about his life.

The most outstanding part of the movie was the visual part. The costumes were fabulous; I absolutely felt that it was the 1920’s. The makeup was also grand; it portrayed the characters personalities in an amazing way. I loved the graphics they used, and the fact that they filmed in Australia, it was absolutely gorgeous. The movie was eye candy, and nothing more. If it wasn’t for the fancy way the movie looked, it wouldn’t have been that great. However, I still loved the movie, and I’m very glad I spent my Saturday night at the movies watching it.

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