A Bad Ad | Teen Ink

A Bad Ad

December 16, 2013
By kellywolfsmith BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
kellywolfsmith BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Shampoo advertisements generally include soft colors, sweet smells, and a relaxing environment, but not in the case of Herbal Essences. This ad for Herbal Essences appeared in the March 2013 issue of Elle magazine. In the middle of the ad is a tan skinned woman with her hands intertwined in her flowing hair. In the top right corner is the name of the brand, Herbal Essences, and underneath is the name of the model, Nicole Scherzinger. On the bottom portion of the ad is a sample picture of two types of the shampoo from the pink “smooth collection” and the yellow “shine collection.” Next to the shampoo bottles is the phrase “You’ll want to do it in the morning. Sometimes twice a day.” Under this phrase is the additional writing “Get ready for the climactic return.” And under that is even more writing, “Your favorites are back and more irresistible than ever. Reintroducing the Smooth and Shine collections from Herbal Essences. Enticing botanicals, no silicones or sulfates… what’s not to love? Share your first Herbal essences experience: #firsttime.” At the very bottom of the ad is the phrase: “SAY YES TO NATURALLY IRRESISTBLE HAIR.” The background of the ad is a light pink color, and there is a floral/leafy design at the bottom of the advertisement.

The main persuasion techniques used in this ad are association, beautiful people/celebrity, intensity, and diversion. Association is utilized by relating the hair product to sex. By using select words such as “climactic” and “#firsttime” and saying “You’ll want to do it in the morning. Sometimes twice a day,” this ad insinuates that using Herbal Essences shampoo is a similar experience, and is as pleasurable as sex. But this in fact is false, because using shampoo is not related in any way to sex, and shampoo does not have the same effect on the body that sex has. Beautiful people and Celebrity are also used in this ad. The model of this ad is a tan skinned, conventionally beautiful woman with voluminous, luscious hair. The model also happens to be a celebrity, Nicole Scherzinger, from the singing group The Pussy Cat Dolls. This technique implies that by using Herbal essences shampoo, girls will become beautiful and popular, such as the model. This also hints that by using Herbal Essences and becoming beautiful, women will be desirable to men in a sexual way. But this is also untrue. One does not simply become beautiful or liked by others by using a type of shampoo, and men do not instantly desire a woman solely because of the shampoo she uses. Intensity is used as a technique in this ad by using words such as “irresistible,” “enticing,” and “climactic.” This word choice is used to convince the reader that the shampoo being advertised is far above the average shampoo. This word choice is misleading, because no evidence is given to support the exaggerated claims about the shampoo. This ad also uses the Diversion technique, by focusing the message of the ad on sex. By relating the shampoo to sex, the reader instantly focuses on how using the shampoo is supposedly comparable to sexual encounters. With all the focus on sex, the ad leaves out important information about the product such as, the price of the shampoo and the ingredients it contains.
A lot of information is given is this advertisement, with the realistic picture of the shampoo bottles, to the information about what is left out of the shampoo (silicones and sulfates), but there is also crucial information not mentioned in the ad. To begin with, the price of the shampoo is left out of the ad. A bottle of Herbal essences “Shine Collection” or “Smooth Collection” shampoo costs about $3.99, but one would not know that my merely reading the ad. The ingredients the shampoo contains are also left out of the ad. The only ingredient mentioned is “enticing botanicals,” which to most people wouldn’t give much clarity to what ingredients the shampoo contains.
There are many controversial values presented by this advertisement. Herbal Essences hair products are directed towards women from about 13-25 years old. By promoting the message of sex in their ad, Herbal Essences sends the message to women, as well as young girls, that sex fun and carefree. However, it is well known that sex is not something to be taken lightly, with the dangers of STD’s and unplanned pregnancy. Young girls who see this Herbal Essences ad might look at the beautiful singer they idolize, and be convinced that they should be engaging in sexual activity.

This ad’s sexual theme could offend different groups of people, and it reinforces common stereotypes about women and their appearance. Because this ad is intended for girls as young as 13, parents of preteen/teenage girls could be offended by the sexual tone of the ad, and the ad’s promotion of sexual activity. Another group who might be offended by the ad is any religious organization who is against pre-marital sex. The stereotypes in this ad are quite evident. The portrayal of the beautiful woman in the ad supports the stereotype of the typical beautiful woman. This woman has to have flawless skin, full hair, and pretty makeup. The woman’s voluminous hair reinforces the stereotype that “beautiful” hair has to look shiny, long, and thick.

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