Feeding the World | Teen Ink

Feeding the World

February 26, 2024
By JamesBakar SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
JamesBakar SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
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Favorite Quote:
"Be ready for anything and be the best person you can be" James Bakar

If I could change anything about the world I would change world hunger because nobody deserves to go hungry and everyone should always have a meal to eat. Children deserve food so that they can become big and strong. About ten percent of the world doesn't have a meal to eat, that is 828 million people. This is an issue that needs to be solved. It is one of the most basic necessities for human life and should not be an issue. So much food is wasted and thrown away that could go to hungry people all over the world. Like for example at Dunkin Donuts 100s of donuts are thrown away every night. We need to limit food wasted by companies, households, and individuals. We need to think about our actions and how much we are hurting people when we throw food away. We all need to come together, this can not be done alone. Change starts with each and everyone of us working together, start small and build up start by tracking your food waste and trying to reduce it every single day then you can go bigger and start trying to make an impact on your community by holding fundraisers and setting up compost bins in your community so much food gets wasted. It is food that could be rescued and used as fertilizer to help feed even more people that go hungry everyday. After helping your community you could work to help the world by making a social media campaign to spread awareness or by donating or starting your own charity that helps feed people. Places like feeding America help to feed those who go hungry and they accept volunteers. I have volunteered at my church and packed food boxes that go to those who need them. It is easy to do and you feel like a better person after you do it. Just imagine how many people are struggling to provide for their families. Think about how you would feel in that situation don't you want to help people live a happier life? You can do that. All you have to do is put in a little bit of effort. If everyone puts in a little bit of effort we can end up changing the world but we have to do it together. World hunger is something that has to change and I believe we can do it.

The author's comments:

This is something I would change about the world.

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