Two good hearts that weren’t meant to be | Teen Ink

Two good hearts that weren’t meant to be

November 21, 2018
By Mea Jenkins GOLD, Raleigh, North Carolina
Mea Jenkins GOLD, Raleigh, North Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.

No one will ever understand what it’s like to have someone like him. No one will ever understand the relationship we have or the feelings we have for each other. It’s all ours and it’s so special. He opens doors for me and loves to hold my hand. He looks at me like the whole world revolves around me. He smiles when he sees me and never has a mean word to say. He pulls me close when I’m near him and makes goofy faces to make me laugh. He always knows when I’m upset and knows exactly what to say and won’t stop until I smile. He listens to me talk with a furrowed eyebrow like he’s taking in every word I say. He stops kissing me to just look into my eyes or kiss my forehead. He’s the kind of guy that always makes you feel safe and never does anything without your consent. You laugh at all his jokes (even the bad ones) because you’re just happy to hear him talk and laugh. He makes your heart feel so full and you feel like you could sit there forever and talk about anything. He always makes sure you’re taken care of and safe. He goes out of his way to see you and will text you an apology for being busy. He wants to talk to you just as much as you wanna talk to him. He’s kind and generous to other people but even more so for you. He comes to all your shows and concerts and you cheer him on at his. He brings you around his family and friends and makes you feel special. He tells you that you’re beautiful and says it like they’re the most beautiful words in the universe. He cares about your well being and is always ready to help. He has the biggest heart you’ve ever seen and cares so deeply for everything. He’s goofy and sweet and the perfect mix of everything. He touches you like there’s nothing else he would rather be doing and traces circles on your skin without even realizing it. You would do absolutely anything to make him happy and you know he would return the favor.

But it’s not meant to be. It’s just two good hearts who aren’t meant to be together. Overtime the feelings fade and you’re left with the painful realization that he’s not the one. At some point you knew he wasn’t ready for someone like you. You realize that as much as it hurts you know you aren’t happy and you know he isn’t either. He’s too scared to hurt you and you’re too scared to start over again. But eventually one of you cracks and you know what has to happen. Just two good hearts who weren’t meant for each other.

The author's comments:

I’m sorry it wasn’t more 

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