On “No Love Is Ever Wasted” | Teen Ink

On “No Love Is Ever Wasted”

August 21, 2023
By HannaHanDoramy PLATINUM, Troy, Other
HannaHanDoramy PLATINUM, Troy, Other
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.
——Oscar Wilde

On “No Love Is Ever Wasted”

When I read the New York Times "No Love Is Ever Wasted" article about stuffed animals, I looked around my room. The beige walls, accompanied by soft and fluffy stuffed animals, were now replaced by books about fantastical dreams, self-growth, and beautiful love, friendship, and affection. It evoked endless memories of a time that belonged to me, filled with love, imagination and growth.
It was at that moment that a warm light flashed and Santa Claus shook himself out of the freshly extinguished chimney, gently shaking the dust off of him, striding into my dreamland and placing presents in little stockings. However, as the years passed, this scene passed with the wind when I was twelve, leaving only a faint trace. The Christmas dream from my childhood silently came to an end, and I gradually changed from a child to a teenager.
Growing up is always full of storms, and "parting" is always so sudden. The day came for me to give away my precious stuffed animal. Crying, screaming, and yelling are the exact expressions of the day, as if my heart had been ripped out and I was empty. It was a transformative process, and I later thought, as the narrator expresses it, "part of growing up," an indispensable part. Looking back, what may have been distressing at the time was a nostalgic memory.
The storms of growing up seemed to bring great change, taking countless others with them. However, it also gave me rebirth, no, more like immortality - the illusion of eternity, the gift of never dying, and the memories that will remain in my heart forever. It is these that will blossom into eternal love in my heart and "create something new".
As I tapped my fingers on the keyboard, I was accompanied by my stuffed animals. At the end of the day, I didn't give my stuffed animals away because they were all so special. Although their fur is no longer as soft as it was when they were first "born" and no longer has a shiny sheen. I often joke, "You've been tortured by me like this." But I think it's the unique time we spend together that makes my love for these stuffed animals and their guardianship of me so precious and memorable. After all, "No love is wasted!"

The author's comments:

While reading "No love is ever wasted" in The New York Times, I couldn't help but reflect on my own experiences. The author's portrayal of her daughter deeply moved me, and within a few short minutes, a mix of tears and smiles graced my face. It felt as though I had glimpsed my past self in an instant. I suppose that's what genuine emotion does – it propels us to express ourselves. This heartfelt connection inspired me to write this short piece.

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