Crush Defined by the Heart | Teen Ink

Crush Defined by the Heart

May 7, 2015
By Chad_Bowmen BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Chad_Bowmen BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I wanna be the very best like no one ever was

What is a crush? A crush is nothing more than a fondness for someone. A crush never lasts long, though some last longer than others.

When someone has a crush on someone else their givers often never receives the same feelings. That is why the fondness is called a crush because the giver often gets crushed by rejection and never acts upon their feelings.
True love is a hard thing to find but once it’s found you should take it and hold on to it with all you can or it will be lost forever.

I have yet to find true love due to my age but if I ever get such pleasure as to find the one, then knowing me I would blow it because all I have ever experienced in my life are crushes where I am in the end rejected like a weak lineman in the football game of the heart.

The author's comments:

i decided to make this when i started thinking about a girl i had a crush on and how i would never get her to want me back

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on May. 11 2015 at 1:26 pm
ABPippins SILVER, League City, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 42 comments

Favorite Quote:
To die may be an awfully big adventure, but to love is an even grander affair -myself

It's not often that people our age finds their forever person. I thought I did, but it fell through (Thank God!) about a year ago. Just because you don't have success in getting someone to reciprocate doesn't mean it's not worth the time you spent pining for that relationship. You will find one, and you will hold on to it. In the "football game of the heart" there's always hope for even the most unsure