Directioners and Carrots | Teen Ink

Directioners and Carrots

April 4, 2014
By Dania_Horan BRONZE, Liberal, Kansas
Dania_Horan BRONZE, Liberal, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Directionators and Carrots

I strongly dislike when people say horrible comments about One Direction because they do not know who One Direction truly are, One Direction has saved multiple of lives, and One Direction makes people’s days way better.

People do not take the time to know who One Direction is; they simply know what the press says. The boys from One Direction are actually sweet boys. People think Harry is a womanizer, but he is not; he does not even have a girlfriend right now. People think the boys are all homosexual, but they are not; Zayn is engaged and Louis is getting ready to propose however, and if they were homosexual, I would not care; I would still love them.

One Direction has saved many lives; they have done charity work, and they calm down girls who want to commit suicide. The boys went to Ghana to help the dying kids in which they helped with Red Nose Day and raised money for the dying kids. Louis has sponsored soccer games to raise money for other charity work. Their music helps girls believe that there is still a reason to be alive.

People love their music, simply by listening to their music can make one smile and feel better. Their music makes girls more confident about themselves because some of their songs talk about how everyone is beautiful. One Direction lets the girls know that no matter what anybody says they are perfect to them. They tell the girls that everything that they do is what makes them beautiful.

People should actually take the time to know who One Direction truly is because they are amazing people.

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on Sep. 27 2022 at 6:43 am
Marian_de_Silva PLATINUM, Gampaha, Other
20 articles 70 photos 123 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If this year has taught me anything, it's that grief can destroy a person.”

Well written!! ❤