School Violence | Teen Ink

School Violence

March 13, 2018
By Anonymous

Dear Mr. Trump,

It is my pleasure to write this letter to you to make a strong and designated point about school violence. To start, school shootings like Parkland, Florida was dangerous and not acceptable. Our country needs to make a strong pledge against school violence, against the innocent murder of children, against the destruction of our trust that adults and teachers should keep us safe.

To continue, we must pledge to create ideas such as making new laws; not maintaining old laws, updating school protection; not keeping school protection the same, developing school safety; not keeping schools unsafe. But, past and recent school shootings will not be tolerated. As I speak for most Americans school violence needs to be eradicated.

To conclude, please make America great once again. To add, you are doing a great job as our U.S. president and leader to our country thank you a million! But, to add, our country needs to make a strong pledge against school violence, against the innocent murder of children, against the destruction of our trust that adults and teachers should keep us safe. Also, we must live up to our creed that all children are created equal and school violence must come to an end now.


Cameron T.J. N.

The author's comments:

I think we need highly detailed safety rules new not old safety rules for our awesome schools in America.


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