11:23 | Teen Ink


September 9, 2018
By Anonymous

Us girls often have late nights where we stay up with mascara running down our face because we let the expectations of society get to us. We then want someone to notice that something is wrong but then we feel like we will be judged for letting our emotions out. Then we try to hide from the world and pretend like everything is okay. We also think that no one will love us because we don't play the role we are expected to play. We don’t know how to deal with the pain so we stay up crying and drinking to cope with the pain which becomes to harsh and eventually leads to starvation which could lead to anorexia. Because of society girls will never be able to love ourselves because there is always going to be something wrong with us. We find drinking as a way of escaping the real world. We wear makeup to hide our flaws but some things just can’t be fixed. There is so much in the world that we have to change for and so much in the world we still don’t understand yet we act like we do. We often hide behind social media with photoshopped pictures and being “basic” to fit the expectations of society. Guys often wonder why we want to change and we don’t take compliments to well then they wonder why we want to change. The answer is because of the hate from other girls or because of the opinions of those we care about but that's not what we tell them. I have never understood the reasoning behind why girls hate on others and why we feel it's necessary to change based off of the opinions of strangers or why we find it so hard to ignore the hate and to just love ourselves.

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