Freedom Of Celebration | Teen Ink

Freedom Of Celebration

October 23, 2019
By hayleearmstrong SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
hayleearmstrong SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

January 1st, 12:00 AM, millions of people gathered around New York City in their large coats and festive new years decorations. All together to celebrate, a new year. Mid-January, Martin Lr. King Jr. day, students learning mini-lessons in their social studies classes, the speech playing on television, showing what has shaped us to we know today. 

February 14th, Valentine’s Day, the day of love. Children pass out little cards with candy, husbands bringing their wifes chocolates and people who are realizing their freedom of love. Late May, Memorial Day, On this day the military personnel who have died serving the United States Armed Forces, are greatly honored in moments of silence.

In the months of May and June, there is Mother’s Day and Father's day. Children come running from their bedrooms after making homemade cards with poems and letters about how much they care for them. July 4th, Independence Day, Celebrating with red, white, and blue, the day that the united states was born as an independent nation. 

Early September, Labor Day, Students and adults having off of school and work to honor the American Labor Movement and to show the power of the working society. November 11th, Veterans Day, children look up to their parents or family members that served for our country, inspiration of strength and wanting to do good just like them. 

Late November, Family gathering into a household, bringing traditional food that has been being prepped since that morning. Thankful for the family and food that is brought to the gathering. December 25, Christmas, The holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. The holiday of spending time with family, opening presents next to the crisp fire. All year-round, we are free to celebrate however we may choose. As Americans, we get one vote, to vote in what we believe in. We have the ability to have a say in what we honor, and to me, this is freedom. My vote in 2020 will be a reflection of what I honor and what I believe in.

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