Anti-Immigration is Racist | Teen Ink

Anti-Immigration is Racist

May 31, 2022
By spragada26 BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
spragada26 BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Flying to any country can be  a hassle with flight delays, immigration regulations and new travel laws. However, coming to the United States there are even more laws and other obligations to deal with before entering the country. You may see President Trump of the United States, as a hero or a large celebrity but back in 2017 on January 25, he signed Executive Order 13768 which deported most immigrants. Many laws were put for immigrants which may sound acceptable, but the anti immigration law causes a lot of arguments. Many use these laws to exert violence and there is different type of bias towards different races.Therefore,the anti-immigration law causes bias towards certain groups, as well violence.

When it comes to the anti-immigration law many face violence. According to the article “Bias Against Muslims Must End,” “Donald Trump ran on a racist, anti-immigration platform that was central to his victory… passed the Muslim ban as sop to his supporters” (Kumar 1). This is shows that there was biased towards certain groups such as Muslims. President Trump allowed the Muslim ban as a way to show or to appease his followers. Another way violence is showed it stated in “Bias Against Muslims Must End”, “ …the FBI’s longstanding program of sending agents provocateurs into Muslim communities to entrap vulnerable populations- typically poor, Black and brown men often with mental disabilies-to plan attacks” (Kumar 1). This means that the FBI has been sending their agents to make certain groups typically poor black and brown with mental disabilities to commit crimes or other illegal activities. “The logic is that all Muslims are “potential” terrorists and that the FBI should nab them before they commit crimes” (Kumar 1). this evidence comes from the article “Bias Against Muslims Must End”. This  that the FBI thinks that all Muslims are terrorists and its better to eliminate them before they commit major crimes. The last evidence from the article “Bais Against Muslims Must End” is that “The logic is: If you are sufficiently Muslim, you are sufficiently guilty”(Kumar 2). This proves that many think just because someone follows something means that they are just as guilty even though that person did nothing wrong. Many face violence for because of the color of their skin color.

The anti-immigration law also has a lot of bias towards certain groups. In the article “Immigration Law’s Racist Legacy” it states “ The Page Act of 1875 prohibited the entry of Asian women and the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 barred all Chinese immigrants” (Jones 2). This shows that there were two acts that were approved by the government stopping the entry of Asian women and Chinese immigrants in general, which shows bias towards a race in this case it would be Asian. “A cascade of new laws limiting the entry of non white people to the United States soon followed. President Theodore Roosevelt said that, owing to the low birthrates of whites, the restriction were necessary to prevent what he termed “race suicide.” In 1907 he signed the Gentlemen's Agreement with Japan that limited the entry of Japanese immigrants. The Immigration Act of 1917 created an Asiatic Barred Zone that extended from the Middle East to Southeast Asia. The Immigration act of 1924 further cut the total number of immigrants allowed in each year… in order to favor immigrants from northern and Western Europe” (Jones 2). This evidence shows a bias towards non white people. The Japanese immigrants weren’t allowed into the United States because they were from their home county which was in Asia. There were many acts on how immigration should be handled non-white people. In the article “Immigration Law’s Racist Legacy” it states “In addition to immigration bans, there were efforts throughout this period to remove non white people already living in the country… a group of white Americans founded the American Colonization Society to transport freeborn Blacks and emancipated slaves to Africa”(Jones 2). This proves that there is bias towards people who aren't the same color as them in this case it would be white people showing bias towards black. Many people in the United States even owned slaves. This shows that there is bias to someone because of their race.   

In conclusion bias and violence is shown because the anti-immigration law is racist. The law has banned many immigrants that are not white from entering the United States. Many people have faced violence and discrimination because of theri race, religion, and other characstics that are out of their control. For many the anti-immigration is law is harmful to them and as well as shows bias and violence towards them. 

The author's comments:

This is a writing piece that I made for English 

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