Technology isnt as bad as you think... | Teen Ink

Technology isnt as bad as you think...

June 9, 2023
By Anonymous

Technology has revolutionized the way we live, work and communicate with each other. It has made are life easier and convenient in countless ways, For example, We can now connect with people from all over the world through social media, Learn new skills throught online classes, Work from anywhere with a internet connection Technology has also made it easier to research viruses and get cures for diseases, Overall technology just helps us with everything in are daily life.

One of the biggest benefits of technology is the way it has connected us with each other. Social media platforms like facebook, twitter snapchat and instagram have made it possible to connect with people from all over the world regardless of geographic location or time zone, this has made it easier to maintain long-distance relationships collaborate with colleagues who are based in different countries, and to stay informed about nes and event happening all over the world

Another way that technology has made our lives easier is through the availability of online and educational resources, with the rise of online learning platforms like corsera udemy and khan academy. Anyone can learn new skills from the comfort of their own home. Whether youre interested in learning a new language, or improving your writing skills, theres an online course out there to help you achive goals.


In addition to making it easier to learn new skills technology has also made it possigle to work from anywhere with an internet connection. This has been especially important during cobid 19, When kany people have had to work from home to slow the spread of the virus. Thanks to websites like zoom, google meets, and skype it was possible to do online classes for school and business meetings. From anywhere in the world. This has made it easier to collaborate with others, even when you cant be in the same room together. According to an article written for Carlow University “We can send a message and receive a response in seconds. Digital communication also allows us to share photos, videos and stories instantly.”

Technology has also had a big impact on the field of medicine. With new technologies like telemedicine wearable health devices, its now possible to diagnose and treat diseases more effectively than ever before. For example, Doctors can now use telemedicine to consult with patients who live in remote areas or who are unable to travel to a doctors offive. Wearable health devices like fitbit and apple watches can alsomonitor a patients vital sighns and alert doctors to any potential health problems. 

For everyone reading this, please understand that technology is not as bad as your parents or other members of society have said. Be mindful of how to use technology properly and remember that too much screentime is bad for you.,photos%2C%20videos%20and%20stories%20instantly.&text=Technology%20has%20changed%20how%20businesses%20market%2C%20operate%20and%20interact%20with%20employees.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because growing up my family always talked about how technology is bad for me. 

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