The voice of a 8th grader during 2020 | Teen Ink

The voice of a 8th grader during 2020

May 13, 2024
By Miggysagenius BRONZE, Bristol, Connecticut
Miggysagenius BRONZE, Bristol, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What miguel Salguero thinks on police brutality is absolutely disgusting . No one will see this but this is extremely important to talk about . Let's get started. The police was made after the slaves were freed. It was built for black people to be  watched,killed and arrested . It was  made so a higher power can arrest black people(mostly black men) whenever they want . Every year there have been many many fallen black people(may they rest in peace ) that have died due to white ignorant racist cops. One of the most famous cases happened may 2019 where the police officer derrick chauvin killed george floyd over a fake accusation of contour fit money. He laid on George Floyd for many minutes suffocating him . It took so many people around them with video cameras to show the century of brutality . There was finally a conversation on it . It took 1 year for the murderer to finally be accused . the chance of being proven innocent  shouldn't even be considered when there was so much evidence . This was only 1 . One out of millions that hasn't been justified . To this day the murders of brianna taylor where they walked into her apartment while she was asleep and killed her . The murderer ahmaud  arbery,tamir rice,manuel ellis and literally yesterday a 16 year old killed being shot after calling for help ,being scared for her life after people tried to fight her and had a knife to protect herself from these bullies.There will never be justice for all of these black people never never NEVER its extremely sad and makes me extremely disappointed in the police system .Some of these police officers who wrongfully killed these black people still have their jobs . SO much black people, another example is where a cop “accidentally “ pulled out a taser except a gun when theres a clear difference between a taser and a gun. Even if every cop was charged and put in jail it still doesn't justify the deaths . George floyd won't be able to see his daughter grow up , graduate . He won't be able to walk her down to marry the person of her dreams. This world is cruel and disgusting  and the law system is horrible. President biden does not care all these lawmakers republicans and democrats don't care all they are is if they get elected or busy arguing with each other over unnecessary things . We need to change the law makers and who we vote for . Also we should not allow a bunch of 60+ years old people to make decisions for this country that dont even help . When we start voting and changing everything about law making we can start getting places and have justice for every black life lost. And that's the end of my ted talk .

The author's comments:

When I was in 8th grade I was in shock by the brutality in America, yes it has been in bedded in our countries history but to see a mean kneel on someone’s neck was just a shock. I’m submitting this now because I found it interesting how intrigued and shocked I was about this topic as a 12,13 year old 

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