Fighting Over Nothing | Teen Ink

Fighting Over Nothing

October 26, 2009
By Anonymous

Truth is nonexistent.

Why fight over it? Truth is what a person believes in. God is the truth. God is not the truth. The truth is a lie. Or the lie is the truth. We're only human. How can we know what is what? Words can distort the truth. Actions can be the truth. Intentions are the secret truth. Love is true, but true love can only last so long. Who are we to judge what is true. Because in the end, we don't know it. The bare truth is easy to understand. If a man stabs another man, it can be easily said to be an assault. Love is a bare truth until words distort it and intentions swerve away from it.

So in the end, it can be agreed to be nonexistent.

Then why desperately fight over it? Why fight over what is right and what is wrong? We all just want to live, but to live we need to lie, but then we accuse liars. People who abide to the truth are turned down and the successful liars achieve a moment of glory.

And what about good? I've learned that the good doesn't necessarily follow the stereotype of good. Honest and kind. Because honesty and kindness can only go so far. Some people are known to be kind, but that doesn't mean they're good. I know good people who tend to lie. But there's a very wide array of types of lies. There are lies to get away from trouble. There are lies to impress. There are lies to get attention. There are lies to keep the truth. There are lies to save and protect. Not all lies make a good person bad. But then where is the thin line that divides the good lies from the bad lies. And that all leads to intentions. A person who likes to receive attention is different from a person who likes to steal attention. A person who lies to not hurt a friend is different from a person who lies to protect themselves. But they tell the same lies.

A person treats the handicapped equally and talks to them while others avoid them. But that same person makes terrible racist remarks, forcing Indians to apologize on 9/11. So is this person good or bad?

Or a person who loves her friends very dearly, but treats those who believe in Obama like dirt.

Or a person who donates to charity out of sincerity but treats black people like scum.

Everyone has a side disagreeing with the other side. But we can easily label them as bad or good. So how do we know? It's probably by how much of which side we can see the most. And so we judge. We judge the truth out of them. A truth that the person isn't always aware of.

War can bring peace. God can bring war. Peace can bring murder. Life brings death. Death brings life. The good create the evil.

So how can we take sides and accuse others? This is where blame comes in. It's always the other person's fault. The neverending words of, "I know I did wrong, but they still did...." and so on so forth. As long as there is hate, there will be blame which leads to a greater hate and eventually death.

How I see people, I think, is completely different from how others see people. I can befriend druggies who have rumors going around about them raping someone. I can befriend liars with a strong reputation. I can befriend people that others avoid simply because they are different. But I can learn to dislike those who might have limitless friends, but they will not be there for those friends. I can learn to dislike those who cannot atone for how they treat others or other actions that can only hurt others.

In the end, I don't care what a reputation is. How many lies they're known to say. How many friends they have or what kind of friends they have. I care about their intentions and how they will go about to express those intentions.

Because I would rather be best friends with a guy that everyone else dislikes and he can be the meanest person ever and has the biggest mouth, than a girl who everyone loves and hugs friends, but will always victimize herself because everyone else but her deserves the blame. He might be mean, but he would never hurt a person and she might be nice, but will sacrifice her own friends in order to save herself.

But is that truth? It's from my observations and judgment. This is why I find it hard to argue about anything because I know I don't know everything and I do not want to see from a biased point of view.

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