My Generation | Teen Ink

My Generation

November 22, 2010
By astinjc93 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
astinjc93 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I FEAR FOR MY GENERATION, I worry about the separations of our relations between ourselves and others, we’re connected with cell phones and our internet pages but really were disconnected because were trapped in our WIRELESS CAGES surrounded by the older generations tireless attempts to comprehend but not realizing their miscomprehension of all what we stand for which is which is really
And most importantly LOVE. This is reason for their shortcomings which soon will be our shortcomings that they have dug for us while we continue to play tug of war over fake rappers, actors, athletes, singers, egos over the hole were still digging. We try to cover this hole with dead bodies and lost souls yet we know that the hole is filled its camouflaged with money, rings, and everything in between so average people like you and me who try to dodge everyday troubles, we struggle, we get tussled, and we get hustled by people who have fallen in and that’s why people fall in and that’s why kids are in jail and fail in school and get caught up in the news and are attractions in the media circus displaying what seems like the look of no courage, not displaying the capacity, capability , or the ability to stop the cycle that only goes backward and not forward. I’m here to tell my generation that I have a shovel to level the playing field of forgotten dreams and lost hopes, I’m here to catapult the disillusioned idea that all people are now free, I'm here to destroy all MISREPRESENTATIONS, MISCALCULATIONS, MISCONCEPTIONS, STEREOTYPES, AND FALSE ACCUSATIONS on everything that seems right and the teenage psyche. I’m not a liability anymore; I’ll be the ability to end this war. I don’t fear for my generation anymore


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