Hatred | Teen Ink


August 31, 2012
By AndreeaIoan97 SILVER, Cathedral City, California
AndreeaIoan97 SILVER, Cathedral City, California
7 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A Woman was created out of a Mans rib; not his feet to be walked on, and not his head to be superior, but his side to be equal." - Author not known.

Even though happiness can come from the smallest events, so can hatred. Hatred is much easier to accept and to feel. It’s the kind of emotion that flows through you, satisfying the need of revenge. It is the kind of emotion that always lies just beneath the tin layer of happiness upon your heart. One tiny single negative move, and like a night crawler, it slowly eats up the happiness and starts walking the pavement of your heart chambers, invading your every thought, taking over, limb after limb of your weak and shriveled body compared to its massive power. Such thing never makes a mistake. It always succeeds to somehow overpower every other rational thing that steps in its way. Its quite dangerous, you know. It may and can, cause many infractions in peoples lives as well as your own. Not to worry, a cure can be found. Nevertheless, it was found. Wanna know it? Well, why don’t you have a go and guess it. No? Nothing? Oh c’mon, everyone knows it! Yes! That’s it. Compliments to you, I knew it wouldn’t be so hard. Now, let me tell you how to use it.

Its very simple, indeed! However, it does require some concentration and commitment. Self-will is the key in this so meticulous task of conquering Hatred. Now listen carefully and don’t oppose.

When you find yourself in a situation where you cannot revive yourself, and feel like you will lose it if you don’t do something, just simply transpire all that Hatred into pity. Pity for the one who is so undeniably able of anything and everything. Pity his attempt of attack over you. Pity his attitude and mental psychology. Take it slow though! Do not pity him. That does not make you better then him. I understand, its hard not to. Its hard to control yourself, but look at it this way; That person maybe wasn’t always that way and maybe won’t always be. You never know a person's story by a first impression. As well as don’t judge him by that same impression. There might be some hidden reason behind his way of acting and the things he says or does. That’s just a little life lesson, take it as you like because that is not the topic we are discussing here.

Okay, now we know the right way to approach the situation. Why don’t you try it. Don’t worry, its just practice, see how you do. I’ll give you some time.

Done?! Okay, that’s very good! To be totally honest with you, there isn’t really a certain way you should be feeling, only that the hatred is now somewhere at level 3-4 on a scale of one to ten. Well, what can I say. Not many people can do this! So if you did, I’m proud of you and you should be too. Now, I hope we didn’t spent all this time to just put it aside! Take it with you, wherever you need it. Good luck, it was nice talking to you and I hope to hear from you soon.

The author's comments:
Again, it's very opinionated, but please comment on it so I can improve.


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