Helping My Friends Realize Their Value | Teen Ink

Helping My Friends Realize Their Value

February 22, 2013
By NooberGoodle BRONZE, Bellbrook, Ohio
NooberGoodle BRONZE, Bellbrook, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I cannot live without books."-Thomas Jefferson
"The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not a pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid"-Jane Austen

So many people despise the way they look, not pretty, skinny, a certain height, and many other things they hate about the way they look. They think they have to change the way they look or act to get people to accept them. Some people envy others for their beauty, popularity and possessions. So many feel this way about their image that sometimes they hurt themselves in the process, starving themselves, excessive exercise, and even surgery to change the way they look. If you know someone who hates the way they look, help them see how great and beautiful they are that they might eventually see it to.

When your friend thinks they aren't pretty or loved, prove them wrong, and tell them how beautiful they are. Tell them you care how when they are absent that you miss their smile, their laugh, and presence. Tell them how when they smile or laugh how they glow because they are so happy or when they smile or laugh that you smile and laugh along with them. That when you are sad and down you go to them because they make you instantly happy because you know that they love you too and if they were ever gone you would think about them every second of the day until you can bear their absence. Never be afraid to tell your friends how much they mean to you and how much you love them because there is always someone who needs to hear those words.

If you have a friend who thinks they aren't worth anything that no one cares about them show them that you care and that you will always be there for them no matter what. If they are having trouble with something give them advice on how to deal with it and if they need anything you will always be there for them. Show them that you aren't the only one who cares about them that other people love them too and that they are a part of something special. Show them that they are unique that there isn't anyone else like or as special as them that you cherish their friendship that you hope to be friends forever and that you wouldn't want them to change who they are. If you show them these things in simple acts such as giving them advice, staying in touch with them, always wanting to know how they are feeling and how their day went.

Television these days has influence on how people think the only way they can be pretty if they are model thin, wear the latest fashions and wear a ton of make-up. Help them realize they don’t need to be model thin they have amazing natural curves they should be proud of and thankful that they have a great body that other people wish they could have. They don’t need magazines or TV to tell them what to wear to look good they have their own style that shows their uniqueness and amazing personality. Make them realize they have great natural beauty that doesn't need to be covered up in make-up that can cause rashes and acne that can lead to scaring. Your friends need to realize they don’t need someone to tell them how to achieve beauty they have their own and they need to embrace it cause they were born this way.

If in the future I have someone who hates the way they look that I can help them realize how great and beautiful they are that they will eventually see their beauty too. There are always people who hurt themselves or change who they are to make them look better so someone will care about them. Some people see differences in other people as something ugly or wrong, so they hurt them with mean words and make them feel worse than they already do about their appearance. These people feed the hate of what some people feel about themselves making them feel like they need to change to make these people accept them. Help these people prove to themselves and the bullies that they are wrong show them how you think and feel the opposite of what they do.

The author's comments:
I entered a competition for my English class about writing an essay about how you would help your friends realize their value.


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