Counselors. Do they help us? Or tell on us? | Teen Ink

Counselors. Do they help us? Or tell on us?

March 26, 2013
By Evelyn Carreno BRONZE, East Hampton, New York
Evelyn Carreno BRONZE, East Hampton, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do they help us? Or just tell on us?

It’s really hard to decide. They're two completely different points of view divided by a sea of opinions.

We always hear, “ Oh why are you crying?” , “ Are you okay?” , “Can I do anything to help you?” But most of the time our answer is no. And we say no not because we think we don't need help, but because we're mainly scared of the ‘what if’s’. We can't get over what scares us, or hurts us and no one can take that away from us. It’s our secret and no one should judge us. But then when we say we’re fine, they tell us to go see someone, a teacher, a parent or a counselor. And by that action they make us feel like animals who need to be diagnosed. Once you sit down and think about it, you know that all I’m saying is true. First of all, we all have a secret, but secrets are meant to be kept a secret. Second of all, what are these counselors really going to do? Nothing. We’re already hurt, damaged. We’re like paper, when paper goes through something it crumples, but it will never be the same ever again just like us. We all have problems big or small, but they’re problems and we don't have to waste a lifetime to fix them.

Instead of talking to someone about these problems, which personally I feel like no one cares about, we should try to distract ourselves. It takes so much effort to relieve the pain and explain to some stranger what’s happening to you and what can't let you live safely. Our problems are like non-washable markers. If you really try they can be partially erased, but not completely. You need to give it time to fade away. I feel like instead of taking, we should try to push our problems in the past and run into our future. I think that a way of forgetting would be to pursue a hobby. Any hobby that rips the pain always from us and crumbles it until it vanishes into the air. Leaving no trail behind that can show us our way back. While we live normally and don’t talk about it we can forget about it and we can be realistic to ourselves, and just learn to live with it, because its not just our past it’s also our present. It will always be there in some way.

I don't think we should fake our happiness, and thats what counselors do. They tell us everything will be okay but how do they know? They will never be us. I rather be told the ugly truth than a pretty lie. And we shouldn't be forced to pretend.

Usually counselors have policies. They usually are obligated to keep quiet unless you're hurting yourself or hurting someone else. Then they open their mouths and our trust that we handed out is vanished. And that’s exactly what happens at my school. I think that if they didn't have that policies more kids would trust in them knowing that they wouldn't get told on afterwards. So what's the point of talking to counselors? All they do is get into your drama and expand its size. You think about it and you know you don't want to be known as the attention seeker, because to you something can be huge and to others it could be nothing at all. The less problems the better.

Our lives aren't movies so we shouldn't act any part of it out. We know we will always carry that baggage with us, that baggage that reminds us of our pain. But one day that baggage will get lighter and let us live on.


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