Animal Abuse Is Out Of Control | Teen Ink

Animal Abuse Is Out Of Control

April 22, 2013
By Anonymous

Animal Abuse Is Out Of Control

Published: Monday, April 22, 2013

Abusing animals is cruel and not fair to the defenseless animals. Why people abuse them is something we will never know. The law needs to act stronger towards this and take more control.
Some people do not realize how big of an issue this is today. Everyday there are horrific stories of new animal abuse cases.
According to the editorial “Animal cruelty laws should be strengthened”, a person can kill, injure, torment or starve animals under their care four times before facing a penalty that carries any weight.
An incident that happened just a week ago right by Brookwood High School in Brookwood, AL, shows how ignorant people can be. A man found two dogs with their throats slit in a rock quarry left to die. Thankfully, these two dogs got the help they needed just in time.
In my opinion, people do not take this problem quite seriously.
Supposedly, all 50 states have laws against animal abuse. I think the law and authorities need to take more control over this.
The Humane Society of the United States estimates that nearly 1 million animals a year are abused or killed in connection with domestic violence.
Animal fighting is another serious issue today. Dogs that are used to fight are tortured, set on fire, electrocuted, shot, drowned, or beaten to death if they “lose” a fight.
Both dog and c*** fighting are illegal in all 50 states.
According to ezinearticles, each year approximately 10,000 bulls die in bullfights.
In circuses, many animals are trained through the use of intimidation and physical abuse. Some circus employees have seen animals being beaten, whipped, poked with sharp objects and some even burned to force them to do things. These animals are taught if they do not obey their trainer, they will get abused physically.
I do not think people should go to the circus to support it and the activities that go on behind the scenes. Many people are not aware of what really goes on.
There are a lot of cruel people in the world, and more people need to get together to fight animal abuse.
Too many people get away with this each and every day. I want to take action and fight against this issue and hopefully end most of it.

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