Social Network Problems | Teen Ink

Social Network Problems

January 6, 2014
By keithjason2515 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
keithjason2515 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

According to C.E.O.P average teenagers share too much information on social networks. C.E.O.P, an organization in England that teaches children to change their privacy settings and to not post inappropriate pictures and statuses. Also because kids could be vulnerable to stalkers and pedophiles. Next to turn off the photo map or any location services. Last, other kids can bully kids that don’t have lots of friends.

Critics may argue that teens do not share way too much information. But if you post inappropriate things that you wouldn’t want your parents to see. Most kids block their parents on social networks. Posting inappropriate pictures could make you vulnerable to stalkers and pedophiles.If pedophiles or stalkers kidnap a child then people will not have their children.

Next, if people do not turn off their photo map on social networks then you are advertising your address of current locations services on Iphones.If people find your address then they can come and rob you or murder you and your family.Also change your privacy settings to private so only your friends can view you post and pictures.

Lastly, cyber bullying can occur and some kids may take their own lives.Also, if you bully you won’t have very much friends yourself.Kids may also get bullied for the things they post on social networks. So in conclusion don’t post inappropriate things and change your privacy settings also to post thing that are not something that will get you bullied.

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