Connecting With Papa | Teen Ink

Connecting With Papa

May 2, 2014
By Irishguy77 SILVER, Burlington, Massachusetts
Irishguy77 SILVER, Burlington, Massachusetts
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"DNA doesn't make up a family. Love does." -The Fosters

As Jack woke up on a warm spring morning, he was not too happy to face his grandfather. They had encountered a huge fight the night before. Jack said to his grandfather that he hated him and was not going to ever talk to him again.

Overhearing the dispute, Jack's mother was worried that they would never make up.

Jack got up, brushed his teeth, and got dressed. All of a sudden, his mother yelled, "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!" from across the house.

Jack rushed over and saw his mother holding his papa in her hands. She was sobbing. Jack's first thought was sadness which surprised him, because he thought that the incident would be the best thing in the world.

"Call 911! NOW JACK!!!!! NOW!" Jack did as his mother told him. As soon as police and firefighters came to the house, Jack's heart slowed down and it felt like someone was tearing his heart apart.

"He's dead. I'm so sorry Ma'am. My thought and prayers go out to you and your family." the EMT said to Jack and his mother.

Jack had have never seen his Mom so sad. Mom's friend at the funeral parlor came and took Papa away. After the chaos was finally over, Mom had to call everyone and tell the news.

"What should I do Mama?" Jack said softly.

"Just leave. Think about what you did last night." Mama replied with a stern tone.

Jack stormed out the door with intentions of punching something.

All of a sudden, a medium named Kim approached Jack, she was from California, and said, "Come with me and I will give you rest in your pain and suffering. I know what has happened poor child. For your grandfather is standing right next to you and he has much to say."

"Don't you taunt me. If you think that you can just make me come with you, what are you thinking? That I'm dumb?" The medium started to walk away so Jack obeyed the lady's orders and followed tentatively. They turned the corner and there was a bright pink shop with flowers all over it. Jack thought that it was all fake. The store was not Kim's, but Kim was working there part time until she could go back to California with some profit.

"Come in sit, water?"

"Sure," Jack said softly as if he was nervous.

In fact he was. Jack sat in a big pink chair. Kim sat right across from him with a notebook for writing her thoughts down, and her iPod for recording that session. The shop seemed sacred to Jack, but he still had doubts.

"Ok. is Mike, Michael?" Kim said like she was serious.

In awe Jack said, "Yes. How do you know my papa's name?"

Kim replied, "I am a medium and I am able to connect with people who have passed on to the after life. Are you catholic?"

"Yes," Jack said somewhat sceptic still.

"Your grandfather is asking why did you fight with me? I know you were mad at me but it was not my fault. You were going to hurt yourself and if I had not said anything, you would have hurt yourself. You could've..."

"Oh yeah," Jack interrupted Kim. "You think that you did the right thing by what 'saving me,' well it did not work. You yelled at me so loud and so stern that it was not right Papa!"

Kim yelled, "Stop! Tirades will not be accepted in this shop. You both are acting like children. If you ever yell at each other the way you just did again I will stop this reading and have you escorted out of this shop. Do you understand!?"

Jack replied with a sarcastic yes.

"Better. Now who is Sharon? Is Sharon you Nana?"

Jack started balling. "Yes."

Kim started to give him tons of tissues.

"Is she in a nursing home?"

Jack started to cry even more. "Yes."

Jack took the whole box of tissues.

"I have some sad news that you might want to get prepared for."

Oh goodness, Jack thought.

"Your going to pass on soon."

Jack screamed, "No!"

Now Jack was sobbing. His Nana had moved to a nursing home 6 months prior to that day when he saw the medium. His grandmother could not move, walk, eat, talk, or even look at someone with recognition of who they are and what they are doing there. With the exception of Jack. Whenever he saw his grandmother which was rarely, his grandmother would vividly remember him.

"How long will it be."

Kim replied with a sorrowful tone. "I do know but I can not tell. Here. Take this candle, and burn it, and when there is no more candle to be lit, that will be the day that your grandmother will be with your grandfather. It will be like a love story. Your grandmother cannot live without your grandfather. They will soon be back together again. I am so very sorry. When the candle is gone, come back to this shop and talk to
me. I will still be here."

Jack ran out without even saying goodbye to Kim, and taking the candle. He did as Kim told him. He lit the candle and let it burn. During that time, Jack went to see his grandmother. Still remembering who Jack was, and still asking him to kiss her goodbye when he left.

It was a cold spring afternoon when the candle went out. Sobbing hysterically, his mother overheard and came in. His mother had already known about the story with Kim, and hugged him. Jack swore it could have been about an hour. All of a sudden the phone rang. Jack cried even harder.

"Hello? Yes this is she. Yes. Yes. Oh. Ok. Alright. I will. Thank you. Bye."

Jack didn't feel good at this point.

"Jack, I.....think you should sit. I need to tell you something. Nana is dead."

Jack yelled. "NO!!!!! IT CAN NOT BE!!!!!!!! That weird medium was right. I hate her. She shouldn't have told me!!!!"

Mama replied like she was a teacher to me. "I think that she meant to prepare you. She said to go back on the day of her death. This is your calling. She probably has good prayers and good messages for you. Please just go down to the shop and speak what is in your heart."

Jack ran and went to the same pink shop with flowers painted all over. Sat in the same big pink chair and started to cry. Kim came to him and put her hand on his shoulder.

"I know what has happened. Would you like to have a reading? Your grandmother is finally happy and reunited again with her spouse. You should be happy for them. There is no more pain and suffering for you nana, and your papa does not have any more chest pain."

"Yes," Jack said sadly. "I realize that but I just don't know how to wrap my head around it. Can you please tell me what my nana is saying?"

Kim started to read Jack. "Ok. Your nana is saying the same thing I said last time. Apologize again with each other."

A long unexpected pause occurred.

Kim told Jack and his grandfather. "Well don't just stand there. Come on. Let us hug it out."

Days past and Kim finally went back to California with enough money to make ends meet. Jack and his mother began to heal with each other. He finally realized that his nana and his papa were finally together forever, and that they were happy. Jacks grandmother and his grandfather are still looking over their grandson and are still connecting with Jack in his dreams. Jack realized to never leave a conversation with the thought of hating someone.

The author's comments:
I got this inspiration after my Papa died. I think this could help Kids deal with loss and to tell them it is ok to grieve.

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This article has 1 comment.

Merci BRONZE said...
on Oct. 9 2014 at 7:55 am
Merci BRONZE, Conway, Florida
1 article 3 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm the girl who will burst out laughing in dead silence because of what happened yesterday"
"War.. War never changes"
"Insanity is just another part of my personality"
"Hey look! It's Gordon Freeman!"

My papa also died but I was only 5 years old. It was the most tragic thing I have ever witnessed in my life.