Red, White, Blue | Teen Ink

Red, White, Blue

November 5, 2015
By Dsterny5 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Dsterny5 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am proud of the red, white, and blue— for those who stay true to integrity, for those who challenge the norm, and for those who have given their last breath in the name of our great nation.

Red. Flying high in the battlefield, the red of bravery and valor is a constant reminder of sacrifice. Representing the men and women who are willing to give their lives to defend our country, red is the blood shed in the name of freedom. Red is the courage of a soldier walking into battle and the unrecognized heroism and determination of the American people.

White. When countless things seem wrong in this confusing world, the white is sometimes hard to make out. Signifying innocence and purity, white is the child who looks through unbiased eyes. White is the freedom of religion, speech, and press. Joining together, white is the United Nations that symbolizes trust and unity. Most important, white is forgiveness and the ability of the American people to move forward in difficult times.

Blue. Like the oceans covering the earth, the bright and shining blue is bold and can be seen across the globe. Representing vigilance, blue is the soldier who protects a helpless people even though it is not required. Blue is perseverance and innovation, that makes it feel like nothing is out of reach in America. Finally, symbolizing fairness and justice, blue represents our judicial system and equality for all.

I am proud of our nation's flag. The shining  flag is a universal symbol of freedom and opportunity. The flag remembers what was sacrificed to be what it is now. The flag is a rare breed that represents far more than meets the eye. I am proud of the red white and blue— for the men and women who define and uphold this country.

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