Flags | Teen Ink


November 5, 2015
By luke1 SILVER, Merton, Wisconsin
luke1 SILVER, Merton, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The U.S. flag represents the people of America. It represents their hard work as well as their successes and failures and their hopes and dreams.

The U.S. flag represents the businessman who will fix the economy and the farmer who will help feed this country.  It represents the soldiers who are returning to their friends and family, and the ones who died for them. The U.S. flag  flies in the air so that people know the sacrifices they made were worth it no matter the cost. 

The flag represents people like Samuel Cooper, a normal soldier in the American revolution who wrote letters to his family. He didn't fight thinking a letter of his would be found, or know that people would marvel at the courage he wrote about. All he fought for was to protect his hopes and dreams, and to one day live in a place where all of them would come true. That place that he believed in was created under the flag he fought to protect.

Our flag still flying in the air shows what our soldiers have done and what our citizens have done. The U.S. flag is who we are. The flag shows we are all heroes in our own way. We just may not make the history books, but our flag shows us that's okay. Because even though we will die... our lives and memories forgotten, the flag of the United States will not.

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