What Does The Flag Stand For? | Teen Ink

What Does The Flag Stand For?

November 6, 2015
By mollyahs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
mollyahs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I begin my Fourth of July, I see the flag standing for something different in each place it flies.

At my grandma and grandpa’s farm, I sit with my cousins and brother and sister under the flag waving in the wind above me, eating juicy watermelon and fresh corn on the cob. But before we leave, we take a quick, family picture in our flag apparel. For the picnic and pictures at my grandpa’s farm, the flag stands for family.

Leaving the dirt road and entering the city streets, I pass the fire station on the way to the parade. Looking at the flag soaring above, I think about the brave firefighters risking their lives to save our cars, homes, and most importantly, our lives. For the flags flying above fire stations, the flag stands for bravery.

Just past the fire station lies the cemetery of those who fought for our country. In awe of the gravestones with flags stuck next to them, I think about the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for me and for our country. For the flags accompanying the military gravestones, the flag stands for sacrifice.

As I arrive at the Stone Bank parade in Wisconsin, the flag is in every direction I glance. Whether it’s at the girls wearing flag patterned skirts and flag earrings, or at the boys wearing flag shirts and waving their little paper flags, or at the veterans wearing their flag hats, I see love and pride for America. For all the flag apparel on the Fourth of July, the flag stands for patriotism.

On Independence Day, the flag stands for family, bravery, sacrifice, and patriotism.

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