Flag! | Teen Ink


November 6, 2015
By jburg2 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
jburg2 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It flew high on top of mount suribachi after WWII, throughout  the Vietnam war, and all over New York when the Twin Towers fell.The United States flag is a symbol of how our country overcame hard fought battles to ensure freedom.

We have the freedom to choose, the freedom to speak, and the freedom of religion. The flag tells us this is what makes up America. The freedom of those states is what makes America unique to the rest of the world.

In tragedies, our flag stood ensuring we would overcome together as a country. In WWII, our country came out of the Great Depression to show the strength of our nation. We lost nearly 58,000 American citizens in the Vietnam War. Every one of the men and women that fought in the war, fought for America and its freedom. When the Twin Towers fell in New York, the tragedy brought our country closer. Americans came together when tragedies were under way because they all want to help out in times of need to repair our country back to its glory.

Sports play a big part in American history. The National Anthem is played before every game to remind us what our country stands for. The reason people in the Olympics wrap the American flag around them is because they want to represent the country. They want people to know that the US is the greatest country and that representing this country is what makes them proud.

America has been through many battles to ensure its freedom. The people fighting for us want us to know that they will keep this country safe and maintain its freedom. Those hard fought battles are what makes this country what it is today.

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