Importance of Unity in Diversity | Teen Ink

Importance of Unity in Diversity

April 7, 2016
By snursyadnizulaikha BRONZE, Kuala Lumpur, Other
snursyadnizulaikha BRONZE, Kuala Lumpur, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Inculcating the concept of 1Mlaysia, Sabariah Mohamed Salleh one of the student in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia research and discovery, has conclude this statement. “YAB Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak(Prime Minister)” has designed and set an on-going programme , 1Malaysia. He asserted that the 1Malaysia concept is a concept to foster unity amongst the diversity ethnic of Malaysia, which is vital to strike a successful and developed country status. The government has spent RM38 million to promote this concept. The values behind the concept are, perseverance, culture of excellent, acceptance, loyalty, education, integrity, humility and meritocracy. Prudent economic had made it possible to be provided all the committies. Beyond this concept, morality among society also can lead to a successful country. This huge goal will be working softly if a whole group keep going on. We, as the community should be responsible in doing it nicely. Unity in this concept will makes the goals become true. Behave in doing works, and show that we really want to achieve it. Hard work and honesty are the morality that we need in common to success. We should not being resist among culture and should be in group. Unity is the best we should take action to make the goals in our country come true.

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