Three Letters That Speak a Million Words | Teen Ink

Three Letters That Speak a Million Words

October 3, 2017
By gieslak12 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
gieslak12 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first thing I think of when I hear the word patriotism is the U.S.A. These three letters stand for much more than the words they represent. The U.S.A. will forever mean patriotism in my eyes.


United. We, the citizens of the U.S.A., are united by Sunday afternoon football games, country songs and summer nights. In blue beer cans, blue skies, and blue jeans, we are united by our love for our country. We stand and fight overseas in battle or at home proclaiming our freedom from the highest rooftops. We blanket ourselves in our country's colors on the fourth of July. As we enjoy, and celebrate our freedom with fireworks and barbecues, we are united.


States. Divided by borders but joined together as a nation, our states stand for our freedom—of choice, speech, and religion. My father and our family friend, Kathy, would argue for hours and hours over political debates and who should be president. They hardly ever agreed. Neither was right or wrong. They both had their own opinions, a prominent trait of our country. We all work together with one common goal: to voice our opinions for what we believe in, and taking a stand. Giving us a say in our everyday lives. We are the United States.


America. It is the land of the free and the home of the brave. What does that line really mean? It means that the U.S. is where people are free to do as they wish. It is where our ancestors built their lives out of nothing but hard work and dedication. America is where men and women courageously volunteer to defend and give the ultimate sacrifice for who and what they love. The brave are a barrier between us and the chaos of the world. They defend and stand for others rights and freedom. We are the United States of America. And this is patriotism to me.


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