The Answer | Teen Ink

The Answer

January 1, 2013
By Santrice BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
Santrice BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Most people always question god with comparisons to air
They feel that as like airs because you cant see him he is not there
Nobody looks at the triumphs; we magically get through things
Or time that we ask and they are given as blessings
Lets go back way back to the sun
Do you think that Jesus had nails in him just for fun?
Take a look at the bible back to Adam and Eve
Were things in that book seemingly magical or not what they seem?
Every thing in that book happened for a reason
So that our sins can be forgiven and we be blessed to see a new season
See god new what he had planned for us he new we needed forgiveness
Cause this future we have created is turning into ugliness
Who are we as people to judge our guidance?

Do you really believe all this creation is science?
See you compare god to air but you have it all wrong
You know god is there because you haven’t broke into bones
You may cannot see him but just think about your life
Who wakes you up in the morning by thy husband or wife?
See you don’t know the answer you only know the “educated guess”
But did you know that when we were born we were a step closer to death
Know one knows the answer I promise you you wont

See no one is perfect no one knows they are un true
That’s why he said forgive them cause they know not what they do

The author's comments:
The piece is about those who question god proof of existence

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