Humility in Science & Spirituality | Teen Ink

Humility in Science & Spirituality

November 13, 2013
By Abhilash Borah BRONZE, Naharkatia, Other
Abhilash Borah BRONZE, Naharkatia, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


The goal of this article is to highlight the enigma of domination between the age-old conflicting branches of Science and Religion. Science and spirituality plays a key role in evolutionary humanity providing all sorts of benefit for a comfortable and sophisticated life. Since time immemorial, science and spiritualistic religion has undergone varieties of treatment during its quest for finding the ultimate truth in the ever expanding universe. The main motive of the article is to highlight the key concepts of what science and religion is all about and what is in store for future. The goals of science and religion, their similarities, the importance in our lives, the travelling odyssey since time immemorial, and the future in the long run are well focused. It is indeed genuinely surprising to notice that experimental and evidence seeking science and spiritual holiness seeking religion both go parallel to infinity. The conquest for understanding the truth, our existence in the supernatural cosmos, the world behind metaphysical sciences are all important panorama for science and religion to behold the verity in deep, vast, mystical universe.

A quick thumbnail

Since time immemorial across the centuries “Science and Religion have been incessantly struggling and conflicting against each other in the long run to establish a concrete supreme mastery in the evolutionary universe against all disparity. The world where we dwell and exist in is dynamic, influential and mercurial. The enormous compelling and energetic evolutionary forces conceive the organisms in planet ‘Earth’ to go beyond the supernatural mysteries of the mysterious universe. It s noticeable that the clash to constitute supremacy commenced right from the day the universe was originated. The spiritual clergyman says, “God created the unified universe”, whilst the objective to-be precise scientists completely repudiate what he divine theologians say so, in context to the evolutionary cognitive process of origin of the metaphysical and supernatural universe. The quest to ascertain the supreme authority in the ever broadening and challenging metamorphosis of the cosmos is still a matter of ongoing debate in today’s present world. The evidence seeking scientists and morality seeking theologians in the conundrum of palpable heavenly body are itself astonishing.

The odyssey of science and religion

Science and spirituality has undergone profound transformation. The odyssey starts from the Greek mythology during the 4th century before the birth of the great Lord Jesus Christ. The Persian Empire affirmed that the world is a day dream and an apparition. There exists nothing. The invasion crusade by the Greeks in the Persian Empire brings them in contact with new aspects of nature, and familiarizes them with new religious systems. The military, engineering, and scientific activity, stimulated by the Macedonian campaigns, led to the establishment in Alexandria of an institute, the museum, for the cultivation of knowledge by experiments, observations, and mathematical discussion. It has been the origin of science. It has been the origin of religion somewhere deeply shrouded. The days of Alexander-the Great and his invasions perhaps founded the scientific pillars. The campaigns of conquests have been marvelous and are events to be admired. This led to the establishment of the mathematical and practical schools of Alexandria, the place for origin of science. Our exact knowledge could be traced back o the Macedonian campaigns. Aristotle, Ptolemy and the Babylonians, to name a few are of immense importance in history for their exceptional astronomical, arithmetical, predictive and calculative works. During the time of conquests and expedition, the Persian world recognized an intelligence which is universal. This universally accepted intelligence was the creator, the preserver, and the governor of all things. The scientific school of Alexandria and the ethical school were formed under the aegis of notable scholars and philosophers. The principles of Stoicism furnished a basic guideline for the daily practice of life to make mankind virtuous. Peripateticism flourished Platonism which indeed left a deep impact on Christianity. The Alexandrian school accepted facts obtained by experiments and observations and rejected the notions of imagination. The Stoicism philosophy doubted whether the mind could find the truth in the vast universe. Scholars like Ptolemy, Archimedes, and Euclid, who introduced their concepts of conic sections, prisms, optics, sphere, cylinder, and trigonometry, challenged the budding sentiments of spirituality unknowingly. The invent of fire-engine by Ctesibius, the steam engine by Hero who was the pupil of Ctesibius, the introduction of Julian calendar in the Museum of Alexandria are noteworthy. It is believed that the ancient Museum of Alexandria is the birthplace of modern science, which is well acknowledged with the establishment of astronomical observations done in China and Mesopotamia with invaluable inputs in the field of mathematical sciences from India.
“The origin of Christianity its transformations on attaining imperial power, its relation to science. Religious conditions of the Roman republic. The adoption of imperialism leads to monotheism. Christianity spreads over the Roman Empire. The circumstances under which it attained imperial power make its union with Paganism, a political necessity. Tertullian’s description of its doctrines and practices. Debasing effect of the policy of Constantine on it. Its alliance with the civil power. Its incompatibility with science. Destructin of the Alexandrian Library and prohibition of philosophy and patristic science generally. The scriptures made the standard of science” Later after the invasions and conquests by the supreme powers there generated a sense of universal brotherhood among the nations. The principle of Christianity speeded and flourished throughout the affected and non-affected nations from barbarous invasions. The benefaction and sentiments of universal brotherhood outlasted the series of events. The religious Christianity bloomed across the Asia Minor, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, and the Britain exclusively. Missionaries propagated to send the messages of love and peace. Tertullian’s exhibition of Christianity certainly created a major impact during the ongoing revolutionary process. The announcement of Tertullian about the origin and nature of devils of Satan which produced diseases, irregularities, plagues, seduce man to sacrifice, and shed blood was an impact. Christianity dealt for eternal spiritual happiness and peace. To nourish the faith, strengthen the confidence in the path of holiness and morality, the Holy scriptures and doctrines played an invaluable role. Ultimately, the series of Tertullian’s exposition of Christianity, the time of Christianity during Constantine, introduction of the roman rites, debasement of Christianity, the Trinitarian disputes, the case of murder of Hypatia etc. acted as a firm beginning of religious sentiments and introduction of religion. Rene Descartes quote needs a special mention, “The world was split into the physical and metaphysical, which was to be the domain of the Church; the Church has authority over the metaphysical and the spiritual.”

What is Science?

Science: origin from the Latin Scientia. Oxford English Dictionaries, one of the elegant and accomplished dictionaries of the world defines science as “the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through series of observations and experiments.” Undeniably, science is the quest and employment of knowledge of natural and social world followed by a standardized methodology of experiments and evidences. It is an extensive, inexhaustible, and shrouded spectacular paradox. It is ubiquitous and deliberately or inadvertently can be witnessed and perceived. Science has made our lives easier and accessible to our utmost needs. It possibly generates a peculiar view towards enchanting subjects, for the people which may include the bulky text books, the never ending scientific equations, someone with a white coat working with flames in test-tubes in laboratories, an astronomer with a telescope, the space shuttle ready for take-off, the bubbling beakers etc. produces an appealing nature of science. Science has its own way to emblazon its presence in the charismatic chaos which has many aspects during its existence. A global endeavor by the resourceful and perceptive persons across the length and breadth of the nations, create science for living, for understanding how things have worked in the past, how things would work in the future eventually. Science has been a continuing episode since the origin of life on earth. A scientific methodology to extract the truth and facts on the physical surroundings essentially includes- hypotheses, measurements, data collection, evidence, experiments and observations, reasoning to establish rules and theories, critical analysis, verification, testing, and scrutiny, to establish a process on how it works. The considerable underlying doctrines of science are how it works, why it works, when it works and where it works. Science is comprehensive, which an indispensable part of the humanity is. Max Planck, the German theoretical physicist said, “A new scientific truth doesn’t triumph by convincing its opponents and see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.” We need all an impeccable reasoning to comprehend the substantial process of origin of the macrocosm, how it evoked, how it flourished, and cultivated.

What is Religion?

Religion: origin from the Latin ‘Religare’! Oxford English Dictionaries defines ‘Religion’ as “the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, a particular system of faith and worship, a pursuit or interest followed with great devotion.” In an honest feel, it is very challenging to delineate religion because of its extensive spiritual terrain among the people, the society and the followers. Innumerable endeavor has been made by diversified intellectuals to define, “What religion is literally all about?” from their distinctive perspectives. But each time they reach a conclusion, some incredible, exceptional, and wonderful factors emanate to rattle the conventional belief of the mythical, the persuasive and the unseen imaginary particle called the GOD. The devotee of religion belief that religion is something solemn and spiritual, which could be characterized between the sacred and the blasphemous objects, rites and rituals, a robust mode noble code which is believed to have a supernatural belief, the style of communication like prayers t communicate with the metaphysical spiritualistic GOD particle in nature and a social group bounded by the stated values. I doubt where skepticism prevails; religion accomplishes GOD as a master who is the “Generator-Observer-Destroyer”. Religion is an important aspect of the lives of people who has firm belief, real faith, exact trust, energetic hope, and benign dignity. It leverages a tremendous many innumerable things. Indeed, religion is an ideology of sturdy belief which man scrutinizes using an emblem of peace and prosperity for exploring spiritual rational sensation which is impalpable. Religion is a process which is universally social oriented and based on immense spectrum of sentiments, assumptions and speculations among various communities and societies gleaned together to constitute a basic set of aspirations, objectives, and in turn the principles of religion. To be precise, religion is positioned primarily on two patterns amidst the folks, (i) Priority on belief, which essentially signify how we implement the basic doctrines of religion in our lives, and (ii) Priority on practice, signify how we execute and practice the spiritual scriptures which are taught in our daily lives. Our society is mainly based on traditions of teachings of religious spiritualistic ideas. It gives us something in which we could trust in and solicit colossal peace, contentment and optimism from it in our routine technology obsessed materialistic lives. Spirituality contributes a podium to the society to tackle questions such as, “What they are doing and what is the ultimate reason for our life?”. Religion acts as a propulsive force for the people and the society which makes them to love, to endeavor day-to-day, and make the best out of our precious lives in a spiritual holy presence. Religion plays a fundamental role on imparting meaning and significance on existence and reality of life in the universe. It provides the aroma of what is special and true and creates an order structure to set the projects and goals for humanity for a superior tranquil and buoyant generation. The origin of religion is deeply veiled. But, it is widely endorsed that religion had its outset, encountering the mystical natural world. Religion has been expanded and progressed as an attempt to soothe the supernatural powerful forces in the universe that are beyond control of the society and mankind.

Goal of science and religion

Francis Collins, an American physician and geneticist and also the Director of National Human Genome Research Institute, USA quotes, “Science is… a powerful way, indeed- to study the natural world. Science is not particularly effective… in making commentary about the supernatural world. Both worlds, for me, are quite real and quiet important. They are investigated in different ways. They co-exist. They illuminate each other.” Science and religion has a common mission as well as a goal, to investigate the natural world. Indeed science and religion share a purpose and meeting. The purpose is in quest for the truth and the meaning for life- in and after death. Science and spirituality usually have been perceived as adversaries. Scientists and religious scholars, to fuel these perceptions, innumerable crusades have been fought to establish the fact that science and religion are antagonists. It audits justifiable domains of theory, wisdom and knowledge. Some see science as the only source of understanding the macrocosm. However, even though inimical views exists the ultimate goal of science and religion is to think, to test and to accept. It can be considered that philosophy determines the nature of reality by thinking about it, science determines the nature of reality by testing it repeatedly, and religion determine the nature of reality by accepting an existing and postulated faith and belief through its descendents against materialistic things which science provides. Science and spirituality are in the same parallel road in quest for truth and realization. Any form of imbalance in a system creates imbalance. Narrow minded approach and considerations eventually lead to an unknown path which in turn is the root of all evils. The science of spirituality gives due importance to the physical, intellectual, and mental health n the individuals and social society. Humanity is composed of amalgamation of matter and consciousness forces. The basic element of the physical world consists of the body. The transmitting energy for the mind and inner self is furnished by spiritual forces. The key to a harmonious nature and spiritualistic personality is hold by spirituality in religion. The limitless power of self-realization, love and compassion are yet to be discovered in the vast cosmos.

As science and religion are viewed as adversaries yet there has been very fewer discussions on their similar characteristic features which both they do share even though most of the theists and atheists continue their battle. The striking resemblance is that science and spiritual religious views are in quest for the greater knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the universe. Bryan Appleyard, a British journalist says, “Science and religion are two completely different ways of understanding reality.” Science and religion do not contradict. They are the systems which produce theories. The theories are well followed by the people with their contrasting methodologies. In fact, they complement each other to have an exhaustive well defined “theory of everything”. Science and religion are veritably founded upon imperceptible entities which are omnipresent and powerful. For an instance, it is accepted by all the religions of the earth that there exists a supernatural being- the God, yet which cannot be seen by our naked eyes. The supernatural being has plentiful attributes to its name which is the most convoluted system in the universe. To understand the complex system of the nature, both science and religion uses a standard portrayal of models. Certainly, representation of models is one of the noteworthy similarities which both science and religion share it to explain the universe. It has intrinsic skills which uses metaphor to illustrate complex systems of the charismatic world by its own dynamical mechanism. Historical studies and research suggests that science and religion may have possibly originated from a single source which in due course of time was branched off leading to different paths with different visionary attempts to understand the unknown. Existing in a parallel way, science and spirituality has similarities in it but quite insurmountable to meet in the long run. John Lennon said, “I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It’s just that he translations have gone wrong.”

Importance of science and religion

Navigating across the milestone ages, science and religion has consummated a prodigious effort and work in the lives of mortals across the generations. Let us envision the whole of early life when primitives originated were driven chaotically and had no homely extravagance and amenities. Science and religion have been performing outstanding phenomenal events for the society and its folks in contemporary times. Throughout the antiquity, science and religion has escorted the transcending civilization as the two basic pedestals of knowledge for the development of society. It plays a key role in the developmental process in shaping the dynamic society to a significant extent. The scientific methods have assisted us to coherently design and understand the laws, theories and processes which governs the physical reality and to a momentous extent the workings of the society.; The spiritual perceptivity of religion is important to understand the deepest questions of human purpose and initiatives in the society. Since its inception, science and religion have worked in a parallel mode with the people, their cultures, and the societies of the world to freed humanity from cataclysmic practices and obsession and helped the entire mankind to horizon heights of grandeur, triumph, sophisticated lives. Scientific knowledge acts as instrumental, religious knowledge acts as existential for the philanthropy of the humankind
In pursuit of happiness, science and spirituality plays a considerable portrayal in presenting aesthetical beauty. This is a touchy question if science and spirituality are both vital in our lives. I’ll preferably say both the conflicting science and spiritual religion is sheer unavoidable for scoring a peaceful sustenance. Undoubtedly, science has made a spectacular progress and is reaching heights of extreme achievement in the macrocosm. It has done a great utility to mankind. Science is paramount. It has made our lives much smooth, easier and sophisticated by its inventions and discoveries. Nanotechnology, genetic engineering, space travel, energy, print media, industry and countless phenomenon’s are entirely framed by the advancements of science and technology. This is science which makes world go forward to reach the best and the most. Medicines for treatment of deadly diseases, machines for working out stuffs in an easy manner, entertainment means for enjoyment are all important parts of our sophisticated lives. We do enjoy, we admire, we inspire and science-the ultimate helps to reach the magnificent brilliant thing.
Spirituality is necessary as it provides mental peace, love, contentment, compassion, and long lasting happiness. Spirituality is a primary necessity. Spirituality in alliance with nature devises a sensational tranquility with the nature and its environment. Calmness of mind is important for our brain to work healthy and energetically. Spirituality creates inner peace which formulates unity among the universal things. Research shows that there is something greater than the concrete physical world which we see, observe, feel and live in. God and spirituality are the means by what we have, what we could witness and what all things we could hope and forecast for to have in our lives. Spirituality illuminates divine grace in addition to sustainability of inner peace. Through our five senses we could actually discover the exclusive privileges of consciousness, intelligence, action, silence and wisdom, which science and technology disregards. The law of love and harmony is important for our lives which are taken care of by spiritualism. Religion gives the world the spiritual truth from beyond the evil. Spirituality in religion helps to attain excellence which is an important attribute to the life of a man. The biggest influence of religion has on everyday life is that the laws and the social customs that exist in our society are almost based on religious teachings. The laws of religion form the basis of society and in turn the humanity to survive and breed has a strong bond among the masses. It regulates behavior. It is powerful and persistent which provokes heartfelt commitment and eloquent expressions. Spirituality must be integrated with education. Self-realization should be the focus and important target. Each one of us must become aware of our higher self. We are the links of a great past to a grand prospective. We should kindle our dormant energy and let it guide our lives. The effulgence of such minds embarked on constructive endeavor will bring peace, prosperity and bliss to the humanity and mankind. The mind, the body and the soul are ignited by forces of spirituality. Our spiritual prudence has been our tenacity. It accustomed and elevated our aims and expectations to gain ultimate divinity. It broadens our perspective to augment our lives. Based on deep-rooted strengths, spirituality ultimately enriches our life from evils. His Holiness Dalai lama said, “With the ever growing impact of science on our lives, religion and spirituality have a greater role to play reminding us of our humanity. There is no contradiction between the two. Each gives us valuable insights into the other. Both science and the teachings of Buddha tell us of the fundamental unity of all things.” To serve the humanity and create a better place for living and to understand the world are the objectives of science and religion. Our society is based on emotions. Spirituality is essential. This is necessary for our self knowledge, the ultimate probe for humanity in the vast cosmos.
Science and Spirituality in the future

Both science and spiritual quests are two complementary inquiries into reality. The product of narrow feeling is antagonism. The society need to have an understanding of the laws which govern the phenomenon occurring in the external world around us and to discover order and harmony in our conscious minds. It would be incomplete unless it covers both the aspects of conscious mind and the rational things. Just like a line segment extends to infinity having both positive and negative ends, it is true that in the vast macrocosm there would exist the good and the evil in the long run. It is up to the society to carefully select the best which shall give advantage to the humanity in both terms by scientifically and spiritually. Let us stop creating divisions between the scientific and the spiritual bodies to make the world a better place for living. The society need to be aware of the limitations of human mind. Education is the way to address the inquiring mind which is both scientific and religious to avert the catastrophe facing the civilization.

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