Spirituality Fosters Humanity | Teen Ink

Spirituality Fosters Humanity

December 10, 2013
By Saakshi BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
Saakshi BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

James Martin,in his book,”My Life with the Saints”,narrated a story about

Mother Theresa. A man saw her cleaning the wounds of a leper and said,”I

wouldn’t do that for a million dollars”.Mother Theresa smiled gently and

replied,”Neither would I,but I would gladly do it for Christ”.This evidently

portrays that,there is “that” Almighty residing in every soul,all you need to

do is to recognize him.He may come disguised,but don’t let your eyes betray

you,don’t let negativity ,acrimony,and abhorrence admonish and rebuke,rather

overshadow the GOODNESS inside YOU.Don’t let deception,fallacy forsake the

truth.Don’t let insolence and rapacity allure you.

Spirituality is conceptualized around the central theme of

“BELIEF”,the immortal,undying relationship with your soul.It is not about being

ascetic,instead it is about what you think.Now,what exactly is “SPIRITUALITY”?

A question equivalent to asking what is rationality or intelligence or love.The

meaning of this term has changed etymologically,people have different

connotations and notions about what it actually means.Spirituality is

TRUTH.The truth which associates you to your inner identity,your soul,your

conscience.It links your mind with your soul,however,spirituality can be

defined as a perfect blend of human behaviour–empathy,love,compassion.For

a Christian,the term involves a personal and intimate relationship with

God,he who has revealed himself in the form of a person,like Jesus

Christ,their creator.Those who are not religious fanatics define spirituality

in more humanistic terms.They accentuate on morality and qualities like

love,tolerance,forgiveness,and above all,”Selflessness”.

“Humanity is what comes from within,but Spirituality is what you preach”.It

redefines the relationship you possess with yourself,it provokes you to peep

into your conscience and introspect,”Am I a good person?”It persuades

you to connect your body and soul radically.It compels you to believe that

there is something more in you than what you can perceive through your

senses,something that is invisible,immaterial,that which you canot witness,just

feel.Every cell,every atom existing in our body is undergg change,yet,we are

all the same people inherently.There is something that remains constant

forever.This is what we call,’I’.The attributes of this ‘I’ change,but the ‘I’

itself does not change.Expanding the perimeters of spirituality will give us a

broader,more advanced definition of the same.If spirituality,as I mentioned

above is closely linked with love,compassion and tolerance,there is little room

to explain it further.Altruistic actions cannot be understood rationally,but

spiritually.Words have the power to both destroy and heal,but thoughts have

the power to chasten your wrong deeds.When your conscience constantly

forces you to so something,know that it is actually opening a new path,a new

door before you.

“You cannot be a true human,unless you are true to yourself”.Your thoughts

transform,rather catapult you into an abandoned world of silence,where

the is no-one else but you and your soul.That is the time your mind appeals

to your conscience,teaching you new lessons at every thought crossing

your mind,purifying the bad,negative side of you.Your though process is

the cause behind your changed personality.An idea that is developed and

put into action is more important than an idea that only exists as one.Your

mentality,mindset,and thoughts foster your actions,preaching you a disciplined

code of living.

Today,the old mentality of selflessness and empathy is fading away.The epoch

of humanity,where one lived for the other is vanishing.The ERA where ‘service

came before self’ is gradually dissipating into an era of ‘self-service’.Instead ,we

must snap out of our materialistic,stingy and extravagant mindset and give

way to noble thoughts of compassion.The ;ast alternative left is to follow your

spiritual beliefs.Your actions must define your character,and your thoughts

must depict your mind.Spirituality can be found in almost anything.Finding

spirituality in something can make someone feel enlightened and bring strong

emotion accompanied by deep feelings.People would be willing to sacrifice

nearly anything to help maintain the integrity of what they find to be spiritual.

Spiriotuality HYPNOTIZES you to be what you DON’T want to be,for your

good,your benefit,but above all for the sake of HUMANITY.So,we can finally

surmise by saying that,yes,Spirituality does Foster Humanity,as humanity is the

purpose of survival but spirituality is the base.

The author's comments:
This was initially written for a competition organised by my school,it is one one of the rarest topics I have written on.

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