A Definition Of Its Own | Teen Ink

A Definition Of Its Own

January 20, 2014
By camila_r BRONZE, Bellflower, California
camila_r BRONZE, Bellflower, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.”-William Shakespeare

What if like school, what we call "life" right now are actually jut lessons being learned ?
What if when you've finally completed the lessons and you finally get the meaning of what it all means and you "die" you're actually moving on and taking the real test ?
Learning from your mistakes and actually and not do them again.
Possibly when someone dies early its because God knows that they don't need to take the lesson like all smart people at school.
And maybe some people didn't need to complete the full lesson, they were blessed enough to learn what they needed to early on.
What if you had a second chance at what we call "life"
What if you knew the outcome of what could be ?
Would you make the same exact choices or learn from your mistakes and accomplish something better .

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