Ramblings | Teen Ink


April 24, 2014
By Anonymous

Nowadays all people think about in the future. All of high school is spent obsessing over what college you'll get into. Once your in college all you think about is what happens when you graduate and what job you'll have. And even when your out in the real real world your spent making money to make your kids have a better future. But what are futures anyway? I mean, it all can’t last forever right? Sure they might be some heaven or hell or castle in the clouds we all go to once we die, but who knows really. I’m religious, I try to believe in god. But he’s hard to find sometimes. When I try and pray I feel like I’m just talking to myself. God never answers back. When my uncle died from brain cancer. When our family friends plane crashed. When my cousin died. I want to believe, I really do. But it’s scary sometimes. What if when you die it’s over. It’s all over. No heaven, no hell. No anything. POOF! Your entire human life just gone in the blink of an eye. All you have is what you've left behind. So leave something behind you want to be remembered by.

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