More Time | Teen Ink

More Time

February 26, 2016
By IAMDILLON BRONZE, Moss Point, Mississippi
IAMDILLON BRONZE, Moss Point, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A moment with Jesus changed everything"
-Judah Smith

We find ourselves stuck in a shortcut society. A selfish society. A society centered around self satisfaction and simple sufficiency. Things like YOLO and "Ain't nobody got time for that." are what we relate to. We've got too much stuff to do and not enough time to do it. The lack of time we have is evident to us. We know that we're limited in time, but what do we do with these precious few seconds we have remaining? We waste them, rushing and hurrying to do what needs doing. We get impatient with others. When life slows down even in the slightest, we start freaking out. We've got clocks in our phones and on our wrists to make sure we are on schedule. When we aren't, we rush to make up for lost time. We rush around nonstop, from the moment we lift our heads off of our pillows to the moment we lay them down again. We eat. We drive. We walk. We work out. We go to school. We go to work. We watch movies. We do homework. We read. We listen to music. We meet with friends. We go to church. We clean. We cook. We play. We do our hobbies. We NEED more time! We can't balance it all. Life gets hard. We don't know what to do. We plan each moment in the day, only to have everything fall apart. What can we do? STOP! Put your life on pause. Devote yourself to taking time to relax with God. Can this rushing, worrying and panicking add any more time to the day? Does it make everything work out, or does it simply succeed at driving us further from God and further into madness? We need to learn how to put the world on pause. Because, if we don't, we may just end up wasting our precious time on things that aren't even worth it. Or, worse yet, we may make the number of days we have left decrease with every moment of worry and despair. Take some time to get closer to God, or you might lose the little time you have left.

The author's comments:

I hope that this piece can show other Christians how we waste our lives on things that do not truly matter. I hope that, when people read this, they feel compelled to spend more time with God. Overall, I simply hope to help people to see God's will for them and how much easier it is to reach once we spend time with Him daily.

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