The NCAA should allow players to benefit off of their name. | Teen Ink

The NCAA should allow players to benefit off of their name.

November 7, 2019
By JoeMama1 BRONZE, Greenwood, Arkansas
JoeMama1 BRONZE, Greenwood, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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The NCAA should allow players to benefit off of their when being used in commercial products. The players should be able to get income when their name is used in any sort of comercial product, including the use of their name in posters, video games, and sales of their jerseys. In the past, student athletes who would assume stages at the national level, and play in front of millions, and potentially injure themeselves would not see any of the money that the universities made from them. Take the University of Alabama’s quarterback Tua Tagavalioa, who had a very large number of people buy his jersey in the 2018 season. Tagavalioa never saw any of that money, and the university got a share in the money that was made from the sale of his jersey. Not to mention, companies such as 2k and Electronic Arts made video games with the players numbers and simulated the position of where the player played. Again, the student athletes never got any share or sum of money from the video game sales. It’s only fair that athlete’s who’s names are used in the media, or used to sell pruducts are financially compensated. Additionally, it’s unfair for universities, that make millions of dollars a year to benefit from one players name without allowing that player to make money from their own name. 

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