Ken Ploen Story | Teen Ink

Ken Ploen Story

December 11, 2013
By Anonymous

There is absolutely nothing more that I love then reading about football. The game the atmosphere and being with a bunch of guys that you love is a memory that I will never forget. Quiet Hero The Ken Ploen Story by Roy Rosmus and Scott Taylor is a book that I read that made an impact on my life. Not only because the book is about my grandpa but what it made me think and handle things throughout my life.
This year, 2013 was my last year ever to play high school football. When the season started I thought that I have plenty of practices still and games this season won’t be short at all. Through the first month battling the heat and adversity was hard to overcome but what made overcome this was this book.
It taught me how to really enjoy the moment now then live in the past. At the end of the season our high school team won state. It was a second time in 2 years. Realizing that it was my last game ever as a high school football player made me appreciate every moment I spent with my teammates. A quiet hero can be defined in as anything you want it to be. I know that I was the quiet hero. I was this senior caption that loved what I did everyday at practice. I wasn’t being hero as scoring or making plays.
I was that hero behind the scenes. That no one could see or notice besides my teammate. I was that hero that would always give my teammates hope and enjoy coming to practice. That created a bond with some of my teammates that I would never hangout with. It made me a better person but also a better football player.
During the year it was our state game and I look up at the clock and notice I only have a few more minutes with the rest of these guys. For some reason I remembered reading about my grandpas book. I went around giving all the seniors on the team one last hug before the game was over thanking them for what they’ve done.
But then again. I should also thank the authors of the book for writing this story. This book made such an impacted on me in my life. It taught me how to appreciate every moment because it’s true about what people say that you’ll never know when it will be your last.

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