Why Basketball is my favorite Sport? | Teen Ink

Why Basketball is my favorite Sport?

May 7, 2014
By Anonymous

Basketball is my favorite sport because everyday after school I go outside to shoot around and play with boys all the time. I play with the boys I see across the street from my house. I like to play with boys a lot because my parents are more aggressive and I need to play with them more. I also like to dribble, shoot, and I always wanted to be an point guard, but I have to be fast. I am little fast but not that fast.

One reason I like to play basketball is that I like to see Women’s NBA go to the championship and watch them all of the time. When, I am at school I keep thinking to myself I can do it and I can anything if I put my mind to it. (True Fact). Like for example Brittney Griner she didn’t give up, she keep going and going to follow her dreams and she made to the Women’s NBA. She is an star to her friends, family, and to me. I wish I can be like Brittney Griner. She is so Talented. I love basketball so much!!!!!!!!!!!

The Second Reason, I like basketball is that it is an better to exercise. My family and I go outside every weekend to play an hustle, one-one, or two-on-two. Playing basketball is fun, but sometimes I act very serious when it comes to it. My mom tells me I can do anything if I put my mind to it. I love basketball because I like to play with boys my own age at school or grown ups.

The Third Reason I love basketball is that in my dreams I be thinking about how I am going to be an NBA star and I am going to practice some days, but not all because I am in this play and I am doing other stuff.

The Very last reason I like basketball is that it is an fun sport to do and there are many kinds of drills to do. Also, you can do that by getting in shape.

The author's comments:
Basketball is very inspiring to me becuase I really like to play this sport and it is my passion.I show I want to play basketball because I know I want to play.

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