Why We Need Sports | Teen Ink

Why We Need Sports

May 23, 2014
By Anonymous

Sports matter because they build character which is a necessity that people need to be successful in life. Sports also get kids away from gang violence, drugs, and jail. Any sport that a child participates in will make the child feel wanted and help kids with their moral. People who play sports in high school are five times more likely to pass high school than the average high school student. Sports do more than get you fit on the daily basics; they build character, help with your grades, and why sports are bad.
Sports build character by giving kids hope and not making them feel inadequate or feel like an outcast. “Sports help build up some major life skills such as being initiative, having respect, and showing leadership” said in an article written by Dr. Nick Holt. These three aspects alone could get you into college alone, or even get you a good job. Sportsmanship can go a long way off the field by you gaining respect from others opening more opportunities to get into good schools or get good jobs. All these aspects can go a long way, but what really matters are the student athletes’ grades.
Sports improve your grades by making players have a certain grade point average in order to play in any game. “James Pivarnik middle school students who performed best on fitness tests, gauging aerobic capacity, strength, endurance and body composition scored higher on standardized test. The test showed that the students who were the fittest scored 30% higher on standardized test than the least fit students. Moreover, the less-fit students received grades in their core subjects that were 13 percent to 20 percent lower than their fitter classmates.” This is a huge reason why sports help with your grade because sports teach discipline in the class room as well as on the field. Though grades are a big reason why students can play sports, but an even bigger reason is how sports change lives.
Many people think that sports are not needed because they cause a lot of injuries. There are many major sport injuries like tearing your Achilles tendinitis, concussions, groin strain, and many more. People also think that sports are distraction from school work which causes a drop in grades. Sports maybe the cause of kids thinking they are above everyone and being rude and cruel to their fellow peers. Sports can be the reason why student athletes’ grades fall.
Sports are important because the teach values to be successful in the world and make something of yourself. Sports teach moral that you should live by like being a good citizen and treating people right. People who think sports aren’t relevant are really looking from the outside of the box in. If they could actually participate in a sport they could see the fun, the joy, and the togetherness that comes from sports. Sports are a great way to get fit, but mostly sports teach you how to better yourself, and how to be a better person.

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