Walkin On | Teen Ink

Walkin On

April 7, 2009
By annkaykay2011 DIAMOND, Lansing, Michigan
annkaykay2011 DIAMOND, Lansing, Michigan
75 articles 11 photos 137 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am who I am, sorry, no changes."

Walking home is probably the shortest, but longest journey.
It's the giant steps of

and small movement to

I watch everyone walking by me, ready to engulf some other world that I have no need to worry about.
They're all in a hurry to go

but the question is

"Where to?"
I don't know.
I look on to the people I know as

"my future",
but longingly look at

"my past."
That seem to hold on to me like caked mudd after a good rain.
I run pass the blaring cars and the roaring winds. I see the people

"how far do they go?"
I don't know.
I sing to the birds that fly on pass me like they have nothing to worry about. I laugh to the jokes played in my head, from earlier on that day. I

what the meanings really meant, and I

to cemented roads home.
I see my home in the short distance

for me to reach it, yet everytime I feel closer, I feel like I am more

to get there.

The author's comments:
The words in quotes hold a meaning. Like everyone has those things or does those things, and I include myself.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 21 2009 at 3:40 am
GreyEyesBlueHair GOLD, Jacksonville, Florida
10 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself." Henry Miller

Wow, I liked how you set the poem up! It had a good rythm to it. :) I also liked how it was something most people can relate to! Great job and keep writing!