Hidden Meanings Of My Necklace | Teen Ink

Hidden Meanings Of My Necklace

September 20, 2018
By breannachicas BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
breannachicas BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh necklace, my necklace 
The sturdiness of your silver chain 
You hold up a dazzling center piece imbedded with turquoise beads 
Oh father, my dad 
You have always been there for me, taught me how to be tough and strong  
You hold the strength in my sturdy silver chain 
Without the chain there’s no necklace, without you my father, I would never be the same! 
Now comes the center piece! 
The main focal point... 
Oh, the beauty and exceptionality you hold 
Oh mother, my mom 
In my own tiny world, you my mother, are the eye-catching center piece 
You are not only my full-time teacher, but my first best friend                                                                    
I love you my mommy, thank you for always loving me! 
In addition, comes the minute turquoise beads accessorizing the focal point. 
How they aren’t just lovely, but supposedly ward off the demons lurking in the shadows... 
Reminds me of my guardian angel that keeps a close eye on me from the heavens above. 
Oh grandmother, my sito 
With your stubbornness, and pearly white teeth... 
You keep me under your wing safely, even when I am sound asleep... 
Lastly the forgotten, but very important tiny piece. 
Oh yes, that’s me! 
The clasp that holds everything together 
Bringing all the elements as one forever... 
My necklace is important, some could say is has many hidden meanings to me! 

The author's comments:

My name is Breanna, and this poem is very meaningful to me. In this poem I compared three important people in my life to the parts that make up my favorite necklace. 

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