The Truth that I Hate | Teen Ink

The Truth that I Hate

October 1, 2018
By ettaverna20 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
ettaverna20 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them."<br /> ― Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

There is a truth that I hate;

There are people who ignore the blatant trafficking.

They are just as evil as the demons

Who try to justify women and children being stolen.

There are two types of evil-doers in this world; the people who forget

And the people who should be blamed for slavery.


Humans have long-suffered from slavery.

It is a fact that compassionate people all hate

And a fact that ignorant people all conveniently forget.

Wouldn’t you think that we all want to end trafficking?

Wouldn’t you think we’d want to end the hell-fire act of people being stolen

By people who are less men than they are demons?


Most never come face to face with the smooth-talking demons

And are blessedly-excused from slavery.

But there are still more who are stolen

By the people that they quickly grow to hate.

They are the victims of trafficking.

They are the victims we forget.


Why is it the victims we forget?

What have the takers done to be pardoned from the title of Demons

And are they not to be blamed for the trafficking?

For the slavery?

It is a fact that I hate.  That we all should hate.

And, yet, we all still sit here while men, women, and children are taken.  Are stolen.


Men are abducted.  Children are taken.  Women are stolen.

But we all sit back and we all forget

This abhorrent act that I will everlastingly hate:

The act that is committed by man-faced demons.

There are people in slavery

And we call it ‘trafficking’.


But it’s not a strong enough word – trafficking.

It’s confused with something else; time being taken instead of people being stolen.

Today, we can’t call it slavery

It’s why you all forget

The hellish mess left by sweet-smiling demons.

It’s a truth that we should all hate.


Is this monstrosity something you, too, now hate?

Or do you still excuse the man-made, kind-faced, fire-lying demons?

I dare you to look at the ghosts of the lost souls and forget.

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by my Creative Writing teacher, my World History teacher, and all of the people who have been forgotten.  

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This article has 1 comment.

Moon24Light said...
on Oct. 4 2018 at 2:51 pm
Moon24Light, Houston,tx, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This is so powerful and strong