The Twelve Angry Men | Teen Ink

The Twelve Angry Men

December 2, 2018
By milap SILVER, Lemont, Illinois
milap SILVER, Lemont, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal."<br /> By~ Joaquin phoenix

Twelve angry men,

Fight on one matter,

Guilty or not Guilty,

Will they let free a mad hatter?

11 men from the jury,

Said the child had done wrong,

But one man said,

I do not belong.

Evidence is passed around,

To only find that it is not sound,

One after like one dominos,

Each of them fall.

Until number three,

The most stubborn of all,

Red rover, red rover,

When will it be over.

The lone man started to sigh,

It almost looked like he might cry,

They called the jury to an end,

The final verdict,

Not guilty.


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