A Sestina for Dreamers | Teen Ink

A Sestina for Dreamers

December 18, 2018
By jessica-spivey SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
jessica-spivey SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At night, I travel to a world

Different than the one I know.

Each night opens a new adventure

To fill my sleep with happy thoughts

And wild fantasies. But when I open

My eyes, reality comes rushing back.

All day, I long to go back

To the magical world

That my mind continues to open.

It consumes my focus and I know

The magic is the center of my thoughts.

I eagerly await my next adventure!

Each dream is a new adventure;

To a previous one I may not go back

But rather I may relive them in my daytime thoughts

To combat the strains of the real world.

I persevere through each day because I know

A new dream I will soon be able to open.

I dread the moment when I open

My eyes after a new adventure.

My hope is for others to know

The bliss of dreams before reality comes back

To return them to the real world.

How thankful I am for my new happy thoughts!

My dreams fill my thoughts

Creating magic in the world where my eyes are open.

Suddenly I see positivity in the real world

From the depths of my adventures.

Now, I don’t need to go back

To my dreams; happiness is in both places I know.

The comfort of my dreams I know

Well; it stretches to my daytime thoughts

And always has my back.

At night, I’m eager to open

My mind to the newest adventure.

It is a truly wonderful world.

But now, each morning I will come back

To a world full of thoughts

Of wild adventures I can have with my eyes open.

The author's comments:

This piece represents my personality. I'm a dreamer; I love to create wild plans and think of all sorts of amazing things I could do. 

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